Kumara tortilla with smoky capsicum sauce
Serves 4 Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 800g kumara , peeled, thinly sliced into rounds 270g jar bottled chargrilled capsicum , drained 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon [Read More]
Serves 4 Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 800g kumara , peeled, thinly sliced into rounds 270g jar bottled chargrilled capsicum , drained 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar 1 tablespoon [Read More]
Damn you jet lag! You keep me awake half the night throwing my body clock thrown into a state of flux with the plus three hour time difference! I'm like a total zombie. Of course, I don't manage [Read More]
I think I spoke to soon about the quality zzzs as I was fully wide awake in the wee hours. My brain was busy as ever and despite my best efforts would just not shut off. Grrr! Still, it's no drama as [Read More]
Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the comfy bed or maybe it's the Perth effect; whatever the reason, I have another five star sleep and a lovely long lie in. I must try not to get used to this! It's [Read More]
It's another stunningly sunny morning in Western Australia and we have a breakfast date with our friends Kim and Terry. It's chauffeur service too, they pick us up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 9am [Read More]
We wake up early today because we're off to the beach. Not any old beach, the dog beach! I'm so excited! I'm already totally smitten with Stace and Steve's divine dog, Jeff, a very handsome golden [Read More]
It's Australia Day! Hooray! I wake up in Perth and smell the coffee.Literally! Stacey has a pot brewing and it's class coffee! This is the life! It's a sizzlingly sunny day so we hit the shops for [Read More]
It's another early start, but today, I'm off to the airport, and not to the gym! We're on holiday! Yay! We're usually quite tight ass and take the train to the aiport but today we decide to splash [Read More]
Serves a crowd (but easily halved) This salad from Stace is ace and the perfect addition to any barbecue. These days we eat a lot less processed food, so rather than use a ready made dressing, I [Read More]
Another early morning start - this time for Kristy's Tuesday morning pump class. She's on fire today! Her enthusiasm is infectious. I'm loving it! Work is so busy. It's interview day today. It's [Read More]