So I rush home from work and get to work on David’s Picture Perfect Cake. I have a small window of opportunity to get this little baby iced and decorated before I decorate myself and collect the decorations for David’s birthday bash. It’s all go.
This is total kitchen chaos. I am covered in icing sugar, am using almost every utensil in the kitchen and have eaten about almost half my body weight in lollies. I almost have a nervous breakdown with the butter cream, I have just enough to cover the cake and it looks patchy to say the least. Nothing that a trusty palette knife and a kilo of candy can’t fix!
As for the lollies, I have a little system going on, stick one, eat one! It’s going great! The cake is soon a jungle of jellies and it looks pretty darn good.
I have enough time to do a change, fix my face and then it’s time to build my biceps cake lifting! It’s time to take the cake to the party!