My back is better, so much so, that I feel brave enough to venture back to pump. I lift a fraction of my usual weights but I feel stronger already. Man, I’ve missed this!
The Feeder Programme is going great. Last night, I mixed my first cake in the Thermie just for fun. My Too Easy Chocolate Cake a la Thermie was a light fantastic and not at all bad for a first attempt. David tried it out in his official role as Taste Tester and I take the left overs in to the office where it’s deliciousness is devoured by the hungry hoardes within minutes.
Only after the cake has been consumed do I find out that it was my colleague’s birthday at the weekend. Quelle horreur! She didn’t get a cake. So when I get home, I decide to rectify the situation and let Monika have her cake and eat it! I’m keen to expand my thermie cake repetoire so I throw the Best Coconut Butter Cake together in minutes. I hope it tastes as good as it looks. I leave it to cool down and chill out, so that I can top it off with some Coconut Ice Frosting later. Pretty in Pink!
I’m actually off to a Thermomix Charity Fundraiser aptly named “An Evening of Health” so I just have time to bake my cake and prepare the filling for the Corn and Fetta Samosas. David’s going to apply some kitchen wizardry and assemble them when he comes home. After all, he’s the Prince of Pastry.