Today’s the day – it’s Pub2Pub Take 2! I had a ball last year, and I can’t wait to do it all over again! There’s nothing I love more than a good old fashioned fun run, especially when the start line looks like this.

Why, Dee Why beach you’re looking mighty fine on this wonderful winter morning.
The Pub2Pub, along with the Sutherland to Surf, is one of my favourite events on the running calendar. There’s a wonderful charm, a cracking community atmosphere and all the money raised goes to charity, namely, the local SLSC (Surf Life Saving Club.) Winning!

The organisers have thought of everything at the start line; water, portaloos and sun cream. It may be winter but the sun is set to sizzle at a toasty 24 degrees today and as I don’t care to fry alive, I get that sunscreen and slip, slap, slop. I’m at the start line and ready and raring to go. The first kilometre is the killer because we run on the sand which is trickier than it sounds. I like to run at the water’s edge where the sand is damp and the waves lick my shoes. I’m a funny runny bunny, aren’t I?

Eating a banana is my pre race ritual. I have never started a race without a banana in my belly! So you can imagine my horror when I notice that the kitchen is a banana free zone (unless you count the frozen ones in the freezer.) I keep calm and eat grapes instead and hope they are as performance enhancing as the yellow fellas. I’m trying not to knot my knickers over my time and just want to do the distance. I haven’t run this far in quite a while and crossing the finish line will itself feel like an achievement. I pretend I’m Barack Obama and keep telling myself “Yes, I can.”

Today, I run with my friend Tracey, and we coast along past beaches, through parks and along seaside streets for 13km. You will have to believe me when I tell you the views are breathtaking, but I don’t have time to take a photo!
David takes on the role of Team Manager once again, and ferries us to the start line in style. Lucky, Tracey’s husband Nick has come along for the ride and to keep him company. Later, they do us proud, in their role as official photographers! How’s this for an action shot?

We finally make it across the finish line sweaty and stoked. My time is a tad slower than last year, but I figure, I don’t have to go fast, I just have to go. Go me!

After that big run, we earn ourselves a big breakfast. We try anew place for brekkie. We’re in for a treat at Thelma and Louise because we have a feast for the eyes and for the belly, with food like this..

and views like this…

Life really is beautiful.
But… my feet are sore. So in the afternoon this happens. After a good run comes a good pedicure!

I think I’ve covered all my bases today; heads, shoulders, knees and toes!
What’s your favourite way to spend a Sunday?