My legs might not be ready to run a half marathon but my nails are. Nail stickers are a random but quintessential part of my race ritual!

It’s a beautiful day for a running festival, let me tell you. The Blackmores Sydney Running Festival features 4 events; the Marathon, the Half Marathon, the Family Fun Run and the Bridge Run. The fun starts with the Half Marathon, and we kick off at 6.15, that’s AM people, so I am up, up and away before the birds. Sydney looks mighty fine this morning and the sun rises behind big, billowy clouds that look like golden puffs on the horizon.

There are never enough loos at an event like this, and today is no exception! I wait for so long that I actually miss my start time! I eventually run off into the sunshine.

My strategy today, is to finish. It’s as simple as that. I am determined to stay positive, focused, happy and believe in the run. Once I entertain negative thoughts, I’m either going to go slow, or just stop.
The course is as always breathtaking. I really try to soak up the scenery along the course, especially when I run over the bridge and around the harbour. I have a lot to be grateful for today. One day, I’m going to enter the run just so that I can get some awesome photos. However, there’s no time to snap scenery, today, it’s all about the run!
Over 34 000 people from 57 countries have come together today to walk or run across the Harbour Bridge in one of the four events, and the atmosphere is electric! I love how running brings people together, old and young, big and small, fast and slow, all for a common cause. I am in good company, I ran next to Wonder Woman for a while, passed Superman and also got overtaken by a giant mustard bottle!

My legs said no but my heart said yes and on I ran to the finish line. I did it and really rather surprised myself. Today was as much about mental strength, as physical stamina. I was relieved, exhausted and elated all at the same time. 21 kilometres, 2 hours and 6 minutes and 2 tired little legs.

I got a medal and a home cooked breakfast for my efforts. Then I took a bath with Epsom Salts, squeezed into my compression pants and took to my bed. Just like Sleeping Beauty, I could have slept for a hundred years. But I didn’t.
Running a Half Marathon in Disneyland has always been right up there at the top of my Wish List. Now that I have 3 halves under my belt, and 2 clear scans, I think I am ready to make one special dream come true. Disneyland, here I come! Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a holiday to plan…
Is there a thing you think you cannot do? I bet you can!