Baby, I’m back! Coming back to the computer feels like coming home!
Surely it can’t be mid- January, already?! I have a theory that the older I get, the faster time goes, it’s so true!
We had the best holidays ever and I hope you did too. Somehow it seems a bit remiss to be writing about Christmas after Twelfth Night and about New Year mid January but better late than never.
Sometimes you make memories that you just want to last forever. This way, at least if they can’t last forever in real life, in my colander-style brain, at least they will be forever immortal in Cyberspace.
So, Hev and Rich arrived on Christmas Eve, and Santa was hot on their heels!

There are a lot of things money can’t buy.Health, happiness and quality time with people you love to name but a few. I’m so blessed that I got a trifecta of the good stuff this Christmas!
Christmas Day was a hoot. There were some great gifts. Hev and Rich gave us matching baubles with our names on. Just what I have always wanted. And no, I’m not joking. These baubles double up as money boxes too which is twice as nice.

There was a real money box theme this year as my mum got me a money box too. A pooping dog money box, no less! You will have to see it to believe it. Unfortunately, uploading a video is beyond my technical capabilities but look at the box and you get the gist!

We got lots of other great gifts but the highlight was the matching Christmas undies for the boys. I laughed so hard my abs got a workout. As great as they looked in their under gear I feel it would be untoward to post a picture. I wouldn’t want everyone to get too excited!
Christmas Day was a bit of a washout. I thought the visitors might sue us under the Trade Descriptions Act. After all, this wasn’t quite the Christmas at the Beach we had promised. We did however venture into town where we saw the sights and got wet while doing it. Sydney has seen finer days, for sure.

We had a Donna Hay themed fishy-tarian Christmas dinner. Her roast potatoes were the bomb and the Simple Salmon Pie was moreish but massive. I wonder if I will ever master the art of cooking for more than two. I always cook enough for two (hundred) when we have guests. There was a sweet end to the day with the Thermomix Best Baked Cheesecake. To eat it, is to love it!

The sun came out on Boxing Day and held court in the sky for pretty much the rest of the holidays. We did some road tripping, some beach bumming and had lots of fun with our friends. I loved every minute!

I’ve never been a lover of NYE. I think it’s over rated and over priced. Bah humbug! However, when one has visitors in Sydney, one has to take them to see the fireworks in style. That being said, way back in July, we booked ourselves into the Kirribilli Club for New Year’s Eve because we didn’t want to take a chance with the weather raining on our parade. It was pricey but it was very nicey. Great atmosphere, fab food, amazing views, free flowing drinks, karaoke, a jazz singer (not Neil Diamond, he’s the Jazz Singer) and even a band/disco. We had a top spot to watch the fireworks which were fabulously five star (unlike my photos!)

It was a wonderful start to what I hope will be a wonderful year.
There were more fun and frolics to kick off the New Year before the vissies went back across the pond. There was a pretty emo last supper and when they were all packed and gone, the house just felt so bare. We felt like a lonely pair of empty nesters rattling around in our own abode.
Going back to work was a bit of a kick in the nuts and whatever way I look at it, it’s not going to win prizes for highlight of the year. After about 5 minutes at my desk, I decided I needed a holiday already. Goodbye holidays, hello Sucksville!
Holidays don’t last forever but the good news is memories do, even if they are in Cyberspace. See, there is always a flip side.
How were your holidays? Great gifts? Favourite food? Is 2014 going to be a corker, or what?!