2014 – So Far

So I was over at Styling You and loved Nikki’s list of  how 2014 was shaping up thus far. It made me think how fast this year is flying by and how much I would like to make a list all of my own. How did it get to be the twenty third, already? It’s like someone pressed the fast forward button and didn’t take their finger off! January was fast, but I have a feeling that the rest of the year is going to be fabulous. I hope I’m right. 2014, I think I love you already!

Making: Travel plans. My feet are itchy.
Cooking: Up a storm in the Thermomix. (Kit Kat Cheesecake recipe coming soon!)

Drinking: Prosecco. But only at weekends. Trying to be a weekday water-hog.
Reading: My uncle’s book “East End Boys” inbetween my Bloglovin’ feed.
Wanting: A dog. As always.
Looking: Forward to the Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run next week.
Playing: Words with Friends. I’m addicted.
Deciding: Where to go and what to do on our big trip this year. So many places and so little time!
Wishing: For good health. And good test results. (Blood behave yourself!)


Enjoying: Training. I feel so free when I’m out running.
Waiting: To register for the Disneyland Half Marathon. (Only 5 sleeps to go!)

blog-2_1Liking: Sydney in Summer.
Wondering: What will happen in the next season of Prisoners of War. The suspense is killing me.
Loving: Life.
Pondering: What will happen first? Finishing my counselling course or winning the lottery?
Considering: Entering the Sydney Half Marathon in May.
Watching: The Biggest Loser.  I tried not to, but I just can’t resist the Commando.
To reign supreme in the Battle of the Bulge.
Marvelling: That I haven’t killed all the plants in the herb garden (just some of them.)
Needing: The new series of Game of Thrones to start already. I’m getting John Snow withdrawal symptoms.
Smelling: Marc Jacobs “Pop” and the herbs I haven’t killed off yet.

Wearing: My new Mr Men Pyjamas. They are the ultimate happy pants.
Following: Lots of blogs on Bloglovin. I love it!
Noticing: That the earlier and more often you get it up, the less it hurts.
Knowing: That I am in charge of my happiness.
Thinking: I can do anything but I can’t do everything (unless there are a few added extra hours in every day.)
Feeling: Happy and blessed.

Admiring: Kid President. He has a new video coming out this week. Keep your eyes peeled!
Sorting: My desk. It’s a never ending  job.
Buying: A new camera. Any suggestions?
Getting: Fitter. And loving it.
Bookmarking: More recipes.
Disliking: My job.
Opening: Bills and prosecco bottles. What a combination!
Giggling: At how I can’t stop singing and how bad it sounds!

2014. Your verdict so far?