Snapshot Saturday – Holidays

So this was supposed to be a Flashback Friday post but life got in the way and now it’s turned into Snapshot Saturday. Oh well, better late than never. Nikki from Styling You  wrote about her childhood holidays yesterday and it sent me on a package tour down Memory Lane.

Holidays to mini me meant a week or two  sun baking in  the Med because in those days my mum was an ardent sun worshipper. It was always just me and mum and we were perfect travel companions. We never had big family holidays because our family wasn’t big. Even now I’m grown up (ahem!) I still love small scale holidays with one other. Two’s company, anything more than that,  for me, is a crowd. I clearly haven’t yet mastered the art of a group holiday.

Mum and I both loved the beach. I was happy as long as I had a bucket and spade, and mum was happy as long as she had a sunbed and a bottle of Ambre Solaire.


I remember long lazy days in the sun, a lot of ice cream and a penchant for toplessness.


At night, we would put on our holiday finest and head out for a night out on the town which usually involved more ice cream and/or in-hotel entertainment. Sometimes, we were the entertainment. We both loved a bit of fancy dress and there was this one time in Tenerife, when my mum was the star of the hypnotist show. Her hypnotist was so hypnotic that she couldn’t wake up from his spell. That was interesting to say the least.


There was always a tale to tell from our holidays. Apart from the hypnotism hangover, most of our other travel trauma took place in France.  We got our pockets picked in Paris (how’s that for a tongue twister) my mum had a tachycardia on the metro and had to be stretchered out into a police van (don’t ask,)  and then there was that one time I got sunburnt to a crisp and our French hosts made me take a bath in vinegar. (Don’t try that one at home, folks.) Although, some of those holidays were a bit hairy, I secretly loved all the adventure. Classic good old fashioned fun and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Me and my mum - circa 1980

When I look at those old photos, I remember me and my mum making those memories together. It’s sad that holidays come to an end, but isn’t it awesome how memories last forever?

Do you have a favourite childhood holiday? Any interesting travel tales? Have you mastered the art of group holidays?