I don’t know how, but every week I love this series a little bit more. I’m moved not just by the stories that these women share but by the heartfelt and beautiful way that so many people respond to them. The comments section is really a joy to behold! If you’re here for some wom-inspiration, hello and welcome! You’ve certainly come to the right place.
Meet my mum, Lynn.
Here is a woman who is a single parent but has played the role of two, who has turned dreams into reality, who has juggled a successful career and child raising (all on her own, I might add) and has travelled the world thirsty for adventure.
I don’t know if we look alike but we share a love of chicken soup, dogs, exclamation marks and life. Among many other things.
She might be older and she might be a bit wiser, but I’m sure you’ll agree, she’s so inspiring!

The “stone” was still rolling and kept rolling, all the way to Brittany in France where I lived for seven years running a Chambres d’hotes (bed and breakfast) in my house. I now live in Lincoln, UK and to all intents and purposes I am out to pasture and have grown a few roots.

I am compassionate, reliable and friendly.
I am not mean, selfish or bad tempered !
Complete this sentence, ____________________ changed my life. How and why?
My daughter changed my life. She has given me a sense of direction and achievement.
What has been life’s greatest lesson?
The greatest lesson is not to sweat the small stuff . To take each day and determine what you would like to achieve and try to put 100% in to get 100% out.
What is your biggest achievement?
Short of repeating myself, it has to be producing the most wonderful daughter in the universe. You can understand why I am so proud of her.
What has been your toughest obstacle and how have you overcome it?
My toughest obstacle has to be living with “Mr. Lupus” He is an auto immune disease and his sole purpose is to stop you having fun! I am allergic to ultra violet so there is no fun in the sun for me, even in the British summer I have to be like a mole in a hole and can only go out early in the morning and evening to keep those UVA’s off of me! These type of chronic illnesses do change your life because you are not who and what you were, nor can you make plans because you never know how you are going to feel the next day! So, you have to be phlegmatic and just make sure that your objectives are small and achievable so that you feel positive.
Viktor Frankl says “Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how.” Everyone needs a purpose, what’s yours?
I have to admit to not living with a purpose. I have done this all my life and now I just take each day as it comes. I can be honest and say that there is nothing I crave to achieve. I have to be lucky to say that I have peace of mind and that has to count for a lot!

Honin-myo. It’s a term from Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism and it means “every day is a new beginning.” We can do nothing about the past. Even the last few seconds have gone away and cannot be relived. What is important is the “here and now” and to make good determination (causes) for the future. So, if you make determinations of what you want to achieve every day and put in 100% but do not manage to achieve them all, it really doesn’t matter. Because there is always tomorrow, and with that comes a new day with a new beginning.
If you could have any mentor, alive or dead, who would you choose and why?
My mentors have always been my mum and dad who departed much too early in my life. How is it that we respect and value them more when they are no longer with us? Their indomitable spirit and family values have been my social heritage.
I can play hookie any day, that’s the privilege of old age. However, a day at a Spa being pampered would be lovely.
You give so much to others, what do you do to take care of yourself?
I try to live by what I believe in and to have a strong life force.
Thank you for sharing, Lynn.
My mum is a hidden gem and you won’t find her on social media, no matter how hard you look. But please do leave a comment, because I know this is one place on the interwebs that she loves to hang out!