August greetings! Pinch, punch, first of the month and all that jazz!
How was your week? I can sum mine up in two words. Jet and Lag. On the plus side, I’ve had so much beauty sleep, you probably won’t recognise me as I’ve turned into a super model! Bahaha!
I’ve been all over the place and all over the interwebs too and here are some of the favourite things I found.
When I’m overseas wi-fi is my best friend. I spent the lion’s share of my holiday staying with friends and family and if I had a pound for every time I asked for the wifi passwords, I’d probably be a millionaire by now. (That’s a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea, right?!) If only I’d seen this wi-fi password printable before I’d left for the motherland!
I truly believe that our health is our wealth. If you only read one of my links this week, please let it be this one, it might just save your life.
My psychologist once told me I had an anxiety disorder, which instantly made me feel anxious. Go figure! Do you have an Anxiety Monster too? Carolyn’s is called Clive and she’s gathered together some top women to share their top tips on dealing with anxiety. If you’re looking for something even more hands on, here’s how crystals can help with anxiety.
I always have fruit for breakfast but it never looks like this! Here are fruity breakfasts as you’ve never seen them before. Mine’s a fruit taco with a chocolate tortilla, what’s yours?!
13 might be considered an unlucky number, that is of course, unless you’re talking about chocolate cake! Here are 13 chocolate cakes that are as beautiful as they are delicious and cover almost all the food allergy/intolerance bases. There really is something for everyone here.
It’s been a week or two in between slow cooker recipes, and I don’t know about the temperature where you are, but I’ve been a chilly billy this week and am in desperate need of a winter warmer. My love of slow cooking and my love of curries know no bounds, so this Butter Chicken recipe is going to be a hit in this house. If for no other reason than I get to make some rotis!
There’s nothing more frustrating than getting your bake on, only to realise you’re missing some essential ingredients. Well, worry no more, because these genius ingredient substitutions will have you winning in the kitchen every time.
Talking of at-home genius, I’m totally bookmarking these all natural DIY tips for stain removal.
I don’t often change the wallpaper on my phone, but I’m totally going to pimp up my phone with this, it’s just too pretty to resist!
I’m still working on the ponytail situation but if you’re already ponytailing like a boss, you should check out these tutorials that take the humble pony to a whole new level!
First there was the Rabbit Hole, and now there is Rabbit Island! The 2.5 mile wide island off the coast of Japan has a fascinating history but now tourists flock there to pet the hundreds of rabbits that now call it home. Maybe this is why there’s a rabbit ban in Queensland!
So tell me, what do you like for breakfast? Got any good stain removal tips? What are you up to this weekend? Just like Bubbles the Bunny, I’m all ears!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption, A Little Part of the World or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
Be a smarty and join this linky party!