Hello friends. It’s been a big week here. I left my job so I can focus on my studies, bake a lot of cakes and morph into a domestic goddess… something like that anyway! How was your week? Tell me all about it and then let’s hop on down the Rabbit Hole with Oreo. He’s got his eyes on the prize this week!
Oreo Bunny hails from the good old U S of A, where they’re celebrating National Pancake Day today. But America is not the only country to have delicious pancakes. Pancakes are an international food group and here are 24 delicious reasons why. I think crepes are my all time favourite, what’s yours?
I might be freshly Australian, but I’m technically half English so of course, I still love to talk about the weather. It’s been exceedingly fresh (as in freezing cold) round here and I’m swapping spring salads for winter warmers on ye olde meal planner. Baked potatoes are one of my favourite comfort foods, and this one comes with a goat-tastic mini movie and a chance to win an all singing and all dancing microwave. Get on it, peeps!
Once upon a time I went on holiday and packed my favourite bottle of perfume in my suitcase and it smashed in transit. I was so sad but on the flip side, my clothes have never smelt so good. However, it’s not an experience I am keen to repeat and now I won’t have to because look, here’s a guide for 5 Travel Size Perfumes. Winning!
The interwebs are a funny place. It gives us a window into other people’s worlds but you know, we’d all do well to remember things are not always as they seem. This project shows how some Instagram users use carefully framed photos to make their lives seem more glamorous or exciting than they actually are. I’m not one of those Instagram users, ain’t nobody (and when I say nobody, I mean me,) got time for that!
Getting old has so many perks but this is one of my favourites because I don’t think we’re ever too old to pay attention when someone smarter and wiser tells you something worth listening to.
Talking of embracing age, I know I’m 44 on the outside but I’m not a day over six and a half on the inside. Well, it turns out I might be onto something because the secret of creativity is to think like an adult, but act like a child. I should be creative plus because if there is one thing I excel at, it’s acting like a child. You should see me at Disneyland!
I think a chalkboard feature wall would be loved by adults and children alike. If, or should I say when, we renovate, I’m totally having one of these in the kitchen.
My fitbit doesn’t just track my steps, it tracks my sleep too. I was shocked to see I’m only getting between 5 and 6 hours shut eye each night, and I’m such a restless sleeper that not only is the quantity of my sleep not good, the quality isn’t crash hot either. I’m thinking I need to try one of these 5 Guided Meditations for Sleep so that I can be fresh as the proverbial daisy every morning, because seeing the sunrise is good for you.
Talking about being good for you, Jamie Oliver has come up with a list of hero ingredients that everyone needs in their pantry. Apparently, eating these 14 foods could help us live to be 100 years old! Nine of these ingredients are regularly consumed at our place, but I draw the line at tofu. It’s my food nemesis.
Did you catch the interview with Krystal yesterday? She’s So Inspiring. She also popped up in this post and the Let’s Talk about Breasts documentary. This short documentary could literally change your life, and with Hologic donating $1 for the first 10,000 views and shares of the documentary to Pink Hope, the money raised could help change the lives of others.
So tell me, what’s your food nemesis? How many hero foods are you eating? Are you an early riser? What’s the quality of your zzzs? What are your tips for a sweet sleep? Do you think like an adult and act like a child? However you think, and whatever you’re doing today, I hope you have a beautiful weekend! (And don’t forget to check your breasts!) See you on the other side!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption, A Little Part of the World or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
Be a smarty and join this linky party!