Hello there! Thanks for hopping on down the rabbit hole, Freckles and I are so pleased to see you. By the by, Freckles told me to tell you, take a leaf out of her bunny book and make some time to stop and smell the roses this weekend. Talking of roses, everything is coming up roses down the rabbit hole, so let’s get down to business, shall we?!
Today is National Eggs Benedict Day. Eggs Benny is not something I would choose to eat on a breakfast menu but I’ll happily drool over these 10 versions of Egg Benedict, the Benny Burger gets my vote! Incidentally, it’s also Day of the Mushroom today! All hail the mighty mushroom – I love them to bits! You won’t see many mushroom recipes on this here blog because David doesn’t care for them, although, after ten years, he’s almost transformed from a mushroom hater to a mushroom lover!
Anyway I digress! I’ve been getting my bake on this week and I’m always looking for handy tips and tricks. Whether you’re a beginner baker or you can bake like a boss, these 8 tips to rock your baking will help you take your baked goods to the next level.
Champagne Cartel did it again this week with 8 wussy things you should stop doing immediately. Seeing as I almost aced it with a seven, I’m looking forward to a lot of extra high fiving time on my hands. How did you score?
I have a bit of a phobia about public toilets and will only use them if I’m desperate. Really desperate! I would be giving some of these a wide berth even if they are the world’s most extraordinary toilets! Really, they have to be seen to be believed!
I’m such a homebody, if you are too, you’ll love these 15 pictures that illustrate the life of a homebody. Number 1 and Number 11 are the deal clinchers for me! Sticking with the theme of resting and relaxing, let’s take it one step further and talk about your sleeping position and what your sleeping position says about your personality. FYI, I’m the heron!
My mate Babs jetted off to Munich this week but not before she left us with some German recipe inspiration. German food is one of my favourite cuisines. I’ve never been to Munich but I went to Berlin once with friends who only wanted to eat Italian food. I still haven’t got over the food FOMO eight years on!
I know I technically don’t have a workplace right now but oh, my goodness, I totally want all of these 20 cute things on my desk to brighten my day. I’m all for the brightening of days, aren’t you?
And in a shameless spot of self promotion, did you catch my interview? It would appear that I’m the Nuffnang Featured Blogger for April and I’m so excited about it I could jive with a jelly baby! There’s more bean spilling than you can shake a stick at!
I love a happy ending, don’t you? So let’s wrap things up with a sneak peek into Catherine Deveny’s (non) Wedding Love Party! It’s enough to fill your heart with happy!
So tell me, are you a mushroom lover? What does your sleeping position say about you? Are you a homebody too? Ever been to Munich? If you had to eat one international cuisine for the rest of your life, what would you choose?! Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope it makes you happy!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.