Hello friends! Welcome to the weekend!
Before we get stuck into the weekend proper, can we just rewind to Thursday for a minute? Because Thursday was National Fudge Day and I cannot let such an auspicious (not to mention delicious,) occasion pass us by! If you’re feeling very Australian you might want to make this Microwave Milo and Tim Tam Fudge. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, how about this Jersey Caramel Fudge or this Salted Pretzel Nutella Fudge… Because Nutella! Of course, it would be remiss if I didn’t share my own all time favourite caramel fudge recipe, it’s fantastic by name and it’s fantastic by nature.
If I spent as much time making lunch boxes without sandwiches as I do reading about lunchboxes sans sandwiches, I could have made millions of them by now. That said, I’m still at the reading rather than the making stage, and these 5 easy and totally sandwich-free lunchbox ideas really tickle my fancy.
In other food news, have you heard about Sweet Potato Toast? Yes, it’s totally a thing and a very delicious thing at that. I know because I tried it! It’s so versatile too, check out all the ways you can serve it, avocado rose included!
Now I know it’s still 75 days til we go on holiday but I’m already getting excited, not about the running 36km in 3 days but the rest of it. Me thinks this list of what to do before you go on holiday will come in very handy nearer the time.
Talking of Disney, who knew Disney weddings were such a big thing? Not me! Call me a princess, but I want to be a Princess for a Day and a Disney Bride too. I totally want to get married again (but only if I can get married to David, obvs) just so I can put Minnie and Mickey on the guest list!
My sleep pattern has been all over the place since I got back from the UK. I thought it was jet lag but it turns out it’s just a pants sleep pattern. I’m probably making a fair few of these 7 sleeping mistakes that you don’t want to repeat.
Being a serial plant killer, keeping plants alive is a hot topic in these parts so this simple guide to keeping plants alive is going to come in super handy. Still on the subject of plants, if you’re working from home, get some green stuff, here’s how plants can improve your workflow!
If someone you know has cancer, here’s a hot tip, don’t not say anything – the silence can be deafening. If you don’t know what to say and you’re feeling a bit tongue tied, Lisa has some beautiful ideas of what to say when someone has cancer and a giveaway! If you want to double your chances of winning a gourmet hamper, you can enter my giveaway too, but hurry, entries close on Tuesday!
I’m making a habit of including a dog story every week, have you noticed? I can’t help myself, seeing as I can’t have a dog in real life (yet) I might as well enjoy some tail wagging down the rabbit hole. This week, meet Vivian the Dachshund whose owner photoshopped her to the size she thinks she is. It’s just pure gold!
That’s it from me this weekend! Have a good one!
What secret tricks and cunning plans do you have for this weekend? Are you a fan of fudge? Have you got on the sweet potato toast train yet? Have you mastered the art of a sandwich-free lunchbox? Are you getting enough zzz’s? Do you have green fingers? Tell me all the things!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers. Link up here, over at Calm to Conniption or My2Morrows. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all three blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.