Hello there and welcome to the weekend! We made it! I’ve been laying low while I’ve been in bug busting mode, but I ended the week doing all the fun stuff – serving lunch at the Asylum Seeker’s Resource Centre and a night with Adele! So much awesome!
I think we could all do with taking a leaf out of Adele’s book – these 5 life lessons from Adele are pure gold. Still on the subject of awesome women and life lessons, here are five important life lessons from Lisa. Talking of women of awesome, I’m desperate to resurrect the She’s So Inspiring series this year. It’s been way too long in between wom-inspiration. If you know someone who you would love to see in the series, please drop me an email.
While we’re on the subject of being inspired, have you heard of #sunsetsforkate? This beautiful post gave me goosebumps and something in my eye and was one of my favourite reads of the week.
There’s so much to celebrate in March. For a start I know so many awesome people with a birthday in March (and I count the end of February Pisceans in that group too – you know who you are!) then there’s International Women’s Day, St Patrick’s Day and did you know it’s also National Noodle Month? I’m nuts about noodles, if you are too, you’ll want to check out Not Quite Nigella’s mum’s recipe for Singapore Noodles, Fat Mum Slim’s Vietnamese Chicken Noodles and for something completely different, my Chicken Meatball and Noodle Stir Fry. If all that is not enough to tickle your fancy, knock yourself out with these 15 Quick and Delicious Noodle Bowls.
There was just so much goodness around the interwebs this week, it’s hard to know where to start. How about self care? I think that’s always a good place to start… You know what they say about fitting your own oxygen mask first and all that. I love this list of self care for mums, (which of course is totally applicable to non mums too) because it’s just so achievable. I’m not sure about the dancing though and if you’d ever seen me dance, you’d know why! Jess takes things one step together with a fully comprehensive list of self care for the mind, body and soul. I’m going to have a lot of fun working my way through it.
Sleep is top of my self-care-things-to-do list right now. I know it’s about quality not quantity so I’m going to try some of these tips to get better sleep (and need less of it every night.)
Despite the fact that my mum hasn’t had a baby in the house for almost 50 years, she’s always telling me how useful baby wipes are around the house. I reckon there’s some things on this list of 15 ways to use baby wipes around the house that even mum hasn’t thought of! In other news, mum is out of hospital. YAY!
Talking of mum, it’s Mother’s Day in the UK this weekend which causes me, David and our mums no end of confusion. Sometimes we send a card on the UK date (if we can remember and/or find a card,) sometimes we send on the a card on the Aussie date and once I think we even sent both! To celebrate, chefs and bloggers reveal the best recipes they’ve inherited from their mums. As it’s Mother’s Day, I have to add Nana’s Best Ever Bread Pudding into the mix. It’s legendary I tell you!
I can’t believe this time last month, love was in the air and we were in Melbourne celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. Time really does fly by when you’re having fun. It’s no secret that I love love so of course, I love these 5 ways to celebrate your anniversary without it feeling fake.
Before I go, let me leave you with these 10+ animals that look like they’re about to drop the hottest albums of the year. BEST! The Fallout Boys and/or the Squirrels get my vote. Who gets yours?
I’m enjoying the post-flu glow this weekend, how about you? Do lots of your friends have birthdays in the same month too? What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to? Have you got a life lesson to share? What will you do to care for yourself this year? Are you nuts about noodles too? Have you got a recipe that’s been handed down in your family? If you have a favourite, please do tell. Hope your weekend is full of fabulous!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers and my awesome co-hosts. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Paula at The Geeky Shopaholic, Jess at Confident Life and Shari at Good Food Week. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
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