Huzzah it’s the weekend. I’m so pleased to see it… And you, of course! Sydney has been so soggy this week, it’s been like 7 days of rain check. On the flip side (because there is always a flip side,) it’s given me a chance to do lots of reading. So let’s hop to it, shall we?
Today is National Lobster Newburg Day but I have no idea what that is so shall we just fast forward to Wednesday when it’s National Something on a Stick Day. For realz! There is actually a mind boggling array of food on a stick on the interwebs and if you don’t believe me here are 50+ ideas for lunch on a stick, 25 dessert recipes on a stick, 10 awesome party foods on a stick and finally, 10 tips for perfect cake pops. As my friend Jo would say, that’s better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick! (In case you’re wondering, that pun was totally intended!)
I am still not bored of packing our lunch boxes, heck, I even pack mine on the days I don’t go to work. I take great care to pack a box that’s healthy and yum although I’m so pleased that our lunch box is self censored because I’d be mortified if I received a note critiquing my choices. It’s time for the lunch box police to back off.
In contrast and on a happier lunchtime note, this story of how high school students started a club so no one had to sit alone at lunch left me feeling all warm and fuzzy!
Talking of happy, I may only work part time, but I learned a lot from this post 3 keys to finding more happiness at work.
It’s no secret that I love love so I’m going to be all over these 25 acts of romance that your partner is guranteed to love. I think travelling together is about as romantic as it gets, here are 10 top travel tips for couples.
Talking of travelling, I’m such a nervous flyer, I’m already freaking out about the 24 hour flight… Solo! Wah! At least I now know what to eat, with this handy list of foods that can make or break your flight.
Just because you’re a professional doesn’t mean you can’t travel too. I’m excited about these 5 ways to find new adventures as a professional.
Still on the subject of travel, why (and how) travellers should support refugees. It makes me think of the quote, “when we truly welcome people seeking asylum, we open the door to a new life.” It feels good to know that my friends and I contribute to welcoming and feeding some of those people – together we can make a difference, however small.
I’m all about bubbles not troubles so if you’re in need of some fizzy liquid refreshment this weekend, you might want to check out the best sparkling wines for under $20. That’s what I call BB (Bargain Bubbles!)
If like me you want fabulous photos, check out these photography basics that will instantly up your photography game.
Finally, I loved this one about the story dogs to help Perth children build confidence and develop into bookhounds. What a brilliant idea – I so wish someone had thought of that all those years I taught in London!
Let’s hope the sun makes an appearance tomorrow because I’m taking part in the inaugural Meet Me in the Middle. What are you up to? What’s your favourite thing to eat on a stick? What’s your quintessential lunch box item? Do you have a go-to in flight snack? What’s your top tip for travelling with A.N Other? And if you could read to any animal, what would you choose? Whatever you’re doing this weekend, I hope it makes you happy!
Every Saturday morning, we will open up the rabbit hole link up for bloggers to add their link list posts or even just their favourite post (if you are not of the link list kind) for the week. Please link only one post. This makes it fair for everyone and allows more posts to be read. Talking of reading, do try and pop along to say howdee to some of the other lovely linkers and my awesome co-hosts. This week, you can link up here or bob on over and say hello to Paula at The Geeky Shopaholic, Jess at Confident Life and Shari at Good Food Week. It doesn’t matter where you add your link because it will appear on all four blogs, as if by magic! The link up will stay open until midnight the following Monday.
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