Anyone can survive quarantine but if you want to thrive in quarantine, this handy post will help you make the most of your stay and there’s a free printable checklist!
I’ve already shared my list of 13 Ways to Keep Busy in Hotel Quarantine and once again, don’t just take my word for it, I’ve consulted with my fellow QuaranTeamers to come up with our ultimate list of Hotel Quarantine Essentials.
It’s important to note that the quality of accommodation varies wildly so you won’t really know what you’re working with until you arrive. Don’t stress though because with the exception of a few items, all of these things can be bought or hired at your quarantine destination.
Squeaky Clean
Ah, the joys of quarantine, where you get to service your room yourself! Keeping the space clean, tidy and fresh can really make a big difference. Here are my essentials for your quarantine cleaning kit.
Anti Bacterial Wipes and Rubber Gloves
Standards of cleanliness and the amount of cleaning supplies varies greatly from hotel to hotel but there’s nothing that you can’t clean with a pack of anti-bacterial wipes and a pair of rubber gloves. Bonus – your room will smell fresh as a daisy!
Dishcloth, Washing up Liquid and Tea Towel
If you’re bringing your own cutlery and crockery, they’ll be on high rotation and the trifecta of dish washing products will have you sorted.
Vaccuum Cleaner
A quarantine hotel that will lend you a vacuum cleaner is an exception rather than the rule and if you want to use one, you’ll likely have to be one yourself. No need to break the bank though, you can pick one up for as little as $29 and have it delivered to hotel quarantine.
Bonus – this one disassembles into 4 very manageable sized pieces that can be packed into a suitcase so you can take it home, a quarantine souvenir if you will! Leigh says “it goes a long way to minimising dust and food crumbs and maximising sanity especially if you have kids or just like things to be clean and tidy.”
TIP! Lance’s top tip is wipe the bathroom floor over with your old towel just before you get your new ones on towel change day! Genius!
On the Scent
With little or no access to fresh air, something that smells good is always welcome in hotel quarantine.
Flowers and Reed Diffusers
Fresh flowers look and smell good but a reed diffuser is a great substitute. Scented candles are a bit of a no, no because they’re considered a fire hazard.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are a great way to get rid of odours and keep your space smelling fresh at all times plus they can reduce stress and improve your sleep quality.
Although not scented a mini USB powered desk fan can really feel like a breath of air when the air conditioning makes sinuses feel stuffy.
TIP! Kellie’s top tip is to “boil the kettle a few times during the day to get some moisture into the air.”

Some hotels offer a laundry service, either paid or free of charge but most likely, you’ll be doing the bulk of the laundry yourself. Add some of these handy items to your laundry arsenal!
Twisted elastic travel washing line
To avoid having your room look like a laundromat, a travel washing line is the way to go.
Laundry Soap
If you can avoid washing large items and just want to do your smalls, a bar of laundry soap can go a long way. It’s natural and vegan and if you keep it in the shower you can wash your undies while you wash yourself!
TIP! A bar like this that washes your clothes and your dishes too!
The Quarantine Kitchen
It’s easy to become culinarily institutionalised while in hotel quarantine and preparing some of your own food can be nourishing for the body and soul. Even with limited or zero cooking facilities, you’ll be surprised at what you can create.
Sharp Knife
If there’s one item you need to pack in your suitcase (not your carry on though,) and bring with you to hotel quarantine it’s a sharp knife. It comes in super handy for all kinds of food (and cocktail) prep and you won’t be able to order one in or have one delivered in a care package as it’s considered a self harm risk.
It’s also worth packing a pair of scissors in your luggage too. I had a pair of nail scissors and a small pair of kitchen scissors and both were invaluable.
Vegetable peeler
This is a relatively small item that can come in seriously handy especially if you’re a fan of fresh fruit and veggies
Cutlery, crockery and glasses
I was very lucky because the kitchen cupboard was seriously well stocked in my health hotel. Eating with “real” cutlery and off/out of real cups, plates and bowls is a small thing that can make a big difference to your quarantine experience.
If you don’t have room for a plate, bowl, mug and set of cutlery in your luggage, ask a friend to deliver in a care package or order in along with some online shopping.
Lightweight chopping board
A lightweight chopping board comes in super handy especially if eating fresh produce and salads is your jam.
Coffee machine/plunger
Some hotels offer room service coffee and although local cafes will deliver your coffee, time and logistics mean that it will often arrive cold.
If you’re a caffiend in quarantine, you’ll want to be self sufficient. I was lucky enough to get a coffee plunger in a care package but if you’re serious about your coffee, consider packing your own coffee pod machine, that way you have coffee whenever you want it at your fingertips.

Being a Booze Hound
The good news is you are allowed booze in hotel quarantine (with the exception of Howard Springs which is a dry facility.) The bad news is that you’re only allowed one bottle of wine or one six pack of beer each day (unless the reception staff are feeling very friendly and flexible) although you can hoard as much of the “approved” booze as your heart desires.
In High Spirits
Spirits are highly regulated in hotel quarantine and 375ml is the largest bottle allowed. If you like the hard stuff, you’re best packing some in your suitcase so you’re all set for your stay.
Cocktail Shaker
Fellow QuaranTeamer Lance went one step further and even packed his cocktail shaker for hotel quarantine, expanding his cocktail repetoire during his stay! That’s what I call time well spent!
Work It Out
Whether you’re doing you’re own thing or a virtual class/workout, incorporating a daily workout is essential to not just surviving but thriving in hotel quarantine. Exercise equipment although not essential can really take your workout to the next level.
Exercise Equipment
If you want to give your quarantine workout a boost, consider hiring a treadmill, an exercise bike or even a set of weights. All the QuaranTeamers who hired equipment raved about it and said it was money very well spent.
An exercise/yoga mat or resistance bands are also a great addition to your quarantine workout. If you have room in your luggage BYO or order some in.
Keeping Entertained
HDMI cord or Chromecast
Call me technologically challenged but I couldn’t work out if my TV even had an HDMI port let alone how to connect a cable but other Quaranteamers rave about it.
Brittney says “I couldn’t imagine my time in quarantine without it since I can watch Netflix on the big TV screen instead of my tiny laptop.”
Bluetooth Speaker
My portable speaker was definitely one of my most used items in quarantine and music definitely lifted my mood. Bianca says “I brought my own speaker and connected it to a phone and had dance parties!”
Talking of parties, those travelling with kids said balloons were a quick, easy and fun way to keep the little ones entertained. Uri says “I filled the room with balloons and we had birthday parties every single day.” Wish I’d thought of that!
Craft Kits
If you want to get your craft on while in quarantine, some sticky tape and marker pens will hold you in good stead.
Games and Puzzles
For those travelling with others (children or adults) cards, card games and chess are great boredom busters and puzzles are a great alternative for solo quaranteamers.

Keep Positive
Truth be told, that while these physical items will likely make your time in quarantine fly by quicker and will make your experience pass more quickly, your best quarantine asset is a positive attitude.
Remember that quarantine is finite – having the right mindset from the get-go really will help you make the best of a challenging and unique situation.
And if you’re not in quarantine but want to show you care…
If you’re not in quarantine but you’re local and want to show someone you care, think about dropping off some flowers, some groceries, some home cooked food or tailor make a care package.
If you want to deliver to an out of town QuaranTeamer, flowers, sweet treats, food delivery voucher or professionally put together care packages are sure to brighten their day.
What would be your quarantine must haves?
If you’re headed to Hotel Quarantine, print out this essential checklist.
Linking up with Denyse for Life This Week