These malty chocolate squares are the most delicious sweet treat and go great with a cuppa!
This slice was inspired by my Weetbix loving godson, Jack. At the end of last year, he was coming for weekly sleepovers to give his dad some respite while his mum and sister were in the UK.

We all really looked forward to ‘Jack nights’ because Jack was very enthusiastic about my cooking, very generous with his puppy cuddles and an absolute conversational hoot.

To make things easy for everyone, the dinner and breakfast menu was always the same. Dinner was meat pie and mash (Jack’s favourite) and Weetbix for brekkie (also Jack’s favourite.)

In preparation for our house guest, I bought a medium size box of Weetbix and working on the premise that Jack had two weetbix at every sleepover, I’d have more than enough. You can imagine my surprise then, when Jack aged 7, told me that he has 7 weetbix every morning. I thought he was joking but he demolished all 7 and ate every last crumb! Clearly my medium box was not going to last very long!

I did wonder if there was a correlation between the number of weetbix consumed and his number of years earthside but Jack assured me it was just a delicious coincidence which was just as well because can you imagine the size of his cereal bowl once he got to double digits!

Jack’s mum and sister returned from their travels and the sleepovers came to a stop but I always keep a box of Weetbix in the pantry in the hope that Jack will come and stay soon!

Weetbix slice was never a thing in the UK – where incidentally we call it Weetabix – so this was my first crack at this chocolatey goodness.
Not all Weetbix slices are created equal and this one is definitely for the chocolate lovers because there’s no coconut in this one and the base uses melted chocolate instead of cocoa, making it utterly irresistible.

The Freckles are of course optional but I can’t leave them out, they’re the tops (and much less messy than sprinkles!)
Do you have a favourite cereal? How many Weetbix can you eat at one sitting?

Makes 24 Squares
155g milk chocolate, broken into pieces
125g unsalted butter
1/2 cup (110g) brown sugar
1 egg
1 1/2 cups (225g) self raising flour
4 weetbix, crushed
240g icing sugar, sifted
2 tablespoons cocoa, sifted
2 tablespoons hot water
24 freckles

How to – Traditional
- Preheat oven to 180C. Grease a 20cm x 30cm pan and line the base and long sides with baking paper, extending the paper 5cm over sides.
- Stir the chocolate and butter in a small pan over a low heat until smooth. Transfer to a large bowl and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
- Stir in the sugar, egg, flour and weetbix until combined.
- Spread the mixture into the tin, smooth the top and bake for 10 minutes. Allow to cool in the pan.
- Make the glaze by placing the icing sugar and cocoa in a small bowl. Add enough hot water to make a spreadable glaze.
- Spread the slice with the glaze and working quickly, make 4 rows of 6 freckles.
- Stand at room temperature before cutting into pieces.

How to – Thermomix
- Preheat oven to 180C. Grease a 20cm x 30cm pan and line the base and long sides with baking paper, extending the paper 5cm over sides.
- Place Weetbix in TM bowl and chop for 5 seconds on speed 9. Set aside.
- Add the chocolate to TM bowl and blitz on turbo for 2-3 seconds.
- Add the butter and heat for 2 minutes at 60C on speed 3 or until melted. Allow to cool for 10 minutes.
- Add the sugar, egg, flour and crushed weetbix for 10 seconds on speed 4. Scrape down sides of bowl. If necessary, mix for another 10 seconds on speed 4.
- Spread the mixture into the tin, smooth the top and bake for 10 minutes. Allow to cool in the pan.
- Make the glaze by placing the icing sugar and cocoa in a small bowl. Add enough hot water to make a spreadable glaze.
- Spread the slice with the glaze and working quickly, make 4 rows of 6 freckles.
- Stand at room temperature before cutting into pieces.