April has flown by in the blink of an eye. It was a super short month but it wasn’t all sweet…. But it wasn’t all sour either! I know we’re already a day into May but here’s my better-late-than-never look back at the month that was. Buckle up peeps!
Cooking: Cheat’s fish and chips – this dish has been on high rotation at our place.
Eating: All the Easter Chocolate.
Drinking: Coffee and lots of it.
Baking: This Hot Cross Bun Pudding. I’m a bit obsessed.

Making: This Easter Rocky Road – it’s an oldie but a goodie.
Sharing: A new recipe for Melt and Mix Caramilk Blondies.

Falling: Out of the enormobath, hitting my head and scoring a visit to A and E. Not my finest moment!
Feeling: A bit stiff and sorry for myself but lucky that I escaped my accident without serious injury.
Staying: At home for a week in Iso as a close contact.

Worrying: About David – the spicy cough got him real good.
Counting: My blessings and so grateful for our village who rallied round in Iso.
Starting: A puzzle that I didn’t finish.
Finishing: Bridgerton, Euporia, Sanditon and Virgin River. TV goals!
Matching: My bag with Teddy’s harness and in so doing unlocking the next level of Crazy Dog Mum.
Twinning: With my friend Lucy in our matching Little Party Dress puppy dresses!

Watching: All the things – see above – plus a lovely movie Rescued by Ruby!
Reading: Again… Finally. Mammy Walsh’s A-Z of the Walsh Family by Marian Keyes.
Thanking: My past self for filling the freezer!
Looking: Up and seeing blue skies (sometimes).
Appreciating: The stunning sunsets.

Waiting: To catch the spicy cough. I hate to say it but I think not a case of if but when.
Waking: Up too early – I’m looking at you daylight savings!
Sleeping: So nicely though. It’s such a rarity these days!
Returning: To The Tea Cosy – it’s been too long.

Considering: Who to vote for in the upcoming election.
Spotting: My local MP walking his dog who was almost as cute as Teddy.
Hosting: Our god kids for a sleepover. They are growing up so fast.
Entertaining: Teddy’s sister and her human sister. She legit regards him as her brother, it’s so sweet!

Wishing: I had two dogs.
Missing: My mum. So much. We just passed the 11 months mark, I can’t believe it.
Loving: Having Teddy Elliott to stay and so grateful that he and his parents took Teddy while we were in iso.

Liking: Long weekends. If only every weekend could have 4 days.
Disliking: The news.
Enjoying: The brief break in the wet weather.
Taking: A little day trip to the Central Coast. It was so good to get some vitamin sea!

Booking: Some weekends away – it’s good to have something to look forward to.
Buying: Emergency oodies for us and woolies for Teddy to keep us warm in the cold weather.
Looking: Forward to a happy, healthy month in May.
So that’s my month in a nutshell/blog post. Now I’ve told you about mine, won’t you tell me about yours?!