Look at the two Teddys sailing their way out of May. Month ends do not come any cuter than this, I tell you!
I don’t know how it got to be the end of May already but here we are on the penultimate day of the month. Is it just me or is this year flying by extra fast?
May was mostly full of yay – despite the ark building weather – and in the spirit of full and thorough reporting, here’s the monthly wrap up.
Cooking: Lots of curries – this Minced Lamb Curry, Quick Chicken Curry and Pumpkin Curry have been on high rotation.
Eating: Curries of course!
Drinking: Red wine, it’s definitely been the weather for it.
Making: This number 10 cake for our god-daughter. Can’t wait to share the how to!

Baking: These Peanut Butter Chip Cookies – super yum!
Catching: Up on some of the dumplings I’ve missed out on over the last 2 years!

Sharing: All the things to see, eat and do on a wet weekend in the Blue Mountains.
Weekending: In Newcastle.
Staying: In this super cute loft in Cooks Hill – it’s like a little bit of New York in Newcastle!
Lamenting: That this property is now sold and no longer on Airbnb. Boo!

Watching: Never Have I Ever and Heartstopper on Netflix – love, love, love!
Seeing: Two of my favourite podcasts come to life – The Shrink Next Door and Dr Death.
Trying: Not to get Covid. Still.
Being: Not Quite Nigella’s plus one for the opening of Vivid. What a treat!
Marvelling: At Vivid 2022 – it’s bigger and better than ever!

Spending: The last days of the month on a weekend up the coast with friends.
Looking: At English properties – it’s fascinating!
Appreciating: The quality down time now because in a few months it’s going to be all systems go.
Getting: My hair did. I’m going to really miss my hairdresser!

Waiting: To hear more details about the first pet charter flight from Melbourne to London.
Hoping: To be able to set a date for our return to the motherland soon.
Sleeping: Really well actually.
Matching: The two Teddys and loving it.

Hosting: Our fur friends Paolo and then Teddy Elliott for a sleepover.
Wanting: Another dog so badly.
Deciding: That I’m defurnitely a two dog person.
Celebrating: Australian Mother’s Day with two puppers but no mum.

Voting: In the election.
Feeling: Thrilled about the result. Democracy is a wonderful thing.
Lighting: A candle to remember my mum.

Thinking: About how strange time is – a year without my mum already feels like an eternity.
Knowing: I made her proud.
Loving: Autumn sunshine.
Liking: Feeling the sand beneath my feet.
Disliking: Rainy days.
Enjoying: Day trips to the Central Coast – Teddy is such a beach boi!

Noticing: That prices for flights and accommodation have sky rocketed since we got unlocked!
Planning: Lots of weekends away and a road trip up north. Exciting times.
Booking: More Airbnbs than you can shake a stick at.
Having: My first flu jab.
Buying: Winter clothes – it’s unusually nippy.
Seeing: Rainbows from my window.

Was your May a yay or nay? Tell me all about it in the comments!