Here we are on the last day of 2022 and what a ride this year has been! It has certainly been a December to remember for all the right reasons, not least because it has been our first northern hemisphere Christmas and the first with family for 14 years!
It’s been a fun festive season with lots happening and much to be grateful for and here’s a whistlestop tour of the month that was.
Making: This Rocky Road wreath. If I’m lucky I might get around to posting the recipe by next Christmas!

Baking: A persimmon, cranberry and walnut loaf – I can’t wait to share the recipe with you.
Eating: All the English Christmas food like these Pigs in Robes (a spin on Pigs in Blankets!)

Cooking: In my Ninja 15-in-1 – it’s ace but a big learning curve.
Dehydrating: Teddy’s treats in the Ninja – so quick and easy!
Satisfying: My dumpling cravings with these Reindeer Bao from Marks and Spencer.

Drinking: Lots of cups of hot tea, it’s the weather for it!
Hanging: A wreath on our front door. I’ve always wanted one!

Donating: To charity instead of sending paper Christmas cards this year.
Exploring: Lincoln Christmas Market.

Watching: A combo of world cup action and Christmas movies.
Seeing: The local pantomime, Cinderella! Oh yes, I did!
Downloading: Some cracking Christmas reads on to my kindle and reading none of them. Oopsie!
Joining: The local library in an effort to kick start my reading mojo!

Listening: To Christmas tunes – I just can’t get enough.
Failing: Dismally at building a gingerbread house. Note the icing on my glasses!

Laughing: At my terrible efforts!
Marvelling: At Not Quite Nigella’s Charcuterie Chalet.
Enjoying: A fabulous few days in London catching up with family and friends.
Taking: Teddy on his first London bus and underground ride!

Liking: Our first snow.
Disliking: When the snow turns to ice!

Loving: Reuniting with some of our oldest friends for an early Friendmas Christmas Dinner.
Visiting: The beautiful market town of Ely. Fun fact – I used to work there many moons ago.
Counting: Down to Christmas… And Hanukkah.

Lighting: The candles for Hanukkah.
Opening: The doors of my wine advent calendar.
Wearing: My December uniform of Christmas jumpers.
Stepping: In front of the camera for our annual Christmas family photo shoot!
Matching: Christmas jumpers on point!
Hosting: Friends and family.
Showing: Them around our beautiful town.
Realising: At the tender age of 51 that brussel sprouts grown on stalks!
Joining: The local pub quiz – we didn’t come last so I’m counting that as a win!
Feeling: Really happy.
Sleeping: On Christmas bedding. I’m a bit obsessed.

Spending: Christmas with the outlaws in the North East but only got photos of food, not people!
Falling: Into a food coma.
Needing: To not eat for a while!
Being: Treated to a marvellous manicure by my talented niece.
Going: To the beach on Boxing Day.

Recovering: From my snot virus and then catching it again. Argh!
Testing: For Covid because I always like to err on the side of caution! Pleased to report results are negative!
Planning: To do a yearly review but just ran out of time.
Hoping: To get back to business as usual on the blog in the new year. Don’t hold your breath though…
Missing: My mum more than ever.
Looking: Forward to a 2023 full of all good things.
Now I’ve told you all about my month, I’d love to hear about yours. Spill the beans in the comments!