Pinch, punch, it’s the first of the month which means I’m joining Sherry and friends for a round up of what’s been in my kitchen.
First off, I signed up for a year’s subscription with Joe Wicks – The Body Coach because he makes being fit fun. I’ve tried some of the yummy recipes on the app but I borrowed this book from the library for a bit of extra fit foodie inspo. I haven’t tried any recipes from the book yet but watch this space!

I’m a sucker for Hot Cross Buns… Especially if they’ve got a twist. This year’s favourites are these Chocolate Orange Ones from Waitrose. The buns are deliciously zesty and go great with the dark chocolate chips. It’s a winning combination for me! Truth be told, I had to freeze them so that I didn’t eat them all in one sitting…

Talking of Hot Cross Buns, I popped into my local Marks and Spencer food hall to check out their hot cross offerings but they were a tad disappointing I must say. However, I didn’t leave empty handed, I brought some of these dino crumpets home with me instead! Here’s one all buttered up – a cuter crumpet I never did see!

It may have been cold on the outside but my Auntie’s Champion Chicken Soup kept us warm on the inside. There’s nothing a bowl of this soup can’t fix.
Weirdly, I couldn’t find the lokshen (vermicelli noodles) anywhere so tried some from the Indian aisle in the supermarket. As you can see, they were a bit too “glassy” but I’m pleased to report I finally sourced some regular lokshen and the order of chicken soup is once again restored!

We had our neighbours over for a curry night – I cooked some of my favourites including Pumpkin Curry, Dharish’s Chicken Curry, Minced Lamb Curry and this super easy Chana Masala (spinach and chickpea curry.)
That was the night I decided I needed one of those table top food warmers to complete my curry buffet and Amazon delivered! It was a great excuse to include curry on the weekly meal plan so we could give it a go. Not that I ever need an excuse to eat/make curry.

I even managed to post a recipe this month. This Easy Apple Traybake has been on high rotation here and is a pushy recipe if ever there was one. You have to make this because it’s so easy and so delicious!

This is a terrible picture of a really good dinner which is basically served in a Yorkshire Pudding. Ideally, you’d fill it with a roast dinner but we were short on time and short on energy so we filled it with some mince and gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots and some smashed peas. This dish is proof that ugly food often tastes the best!

Despite our Yorkshire Pudding antics and the plethora of baked goods baked and consumed, we’ve really been trying to get back into some healthy habits. David joined the gym, I made a commitment to Joe (Wicks) and we’re back on the lunch box train.

I love packing a lunch box because it’s great for the budget, excellent portion control and it’s a sure fire way to eat some fresh fruit and veggies. I’m looking forward to working revisiting and working my way through all my favourite lunch box ideas.
We had a spontaneous weekend away to the North to celebrate Mother’s Day with David’s mum. We always stop at the services on the way up – it’s a 3 hour drive – and that’s where I found this Cadbury’s Hot Cross Bun chocolate. Packed with cinnamon, crispies and raisins, it’s my kind of slab!

Not strictly in my kitchen but on my bar cart which is close enough are these pretty little sherry glasses! On Mother’s Day we went to Tynemouth Market which is a huge market selling everything from food to bric a brac and antiques to art all in a working train station! There was so much to see and so much temptation. I thought I was very restrained leaving with just these glasses which I bought for the princely sum of £4!

Now that I’ve told you about what’s been in and coming out of my kitchen, I’d love to hear what’s been happening in yours! Tell me in the comments… I’m all ears!
Linking up with Sherry for In My Kitchen