So here I am better late than never with a whistle stop tour of all the yay (and nay) in May. I had fully intended to press publish on this post last week but life got in the way. Anyhoo, why not grab a cuppa and join me for a look back on the month that was?
Baking: A beautiful baked lemon cheesecake – recipe coming soon!
Making: This 4 ingredient Mackerel Dip – it’s so addictive!

Cooking: My way through the stir fry section of Recipe Tin Eats: Dinner.
Eating: A London Cheesecake – a cake which can actually only be found in London!

Drinking: Some cracking cocktails. There’s been a lot to celebrate.
Joining: Sherry and co and sharing what’s in my kitchen this month.
Reading: The Dog Share by Fiona Gibson – such a lovely light read.
Watching: Queer Eye Season 7 and Colin From Accounts. Loved them both!
Bookmarking: All the recipes I want to make from Recipe Tin Eats: Dinner.
Going: To our first Dogfest which sadly was more of a mudfest!

Buying: Our first ever house – our previous property purchases had been apartments.
Feeling: Relieved and excited to complete on the sale. Property buying in the UK is not for the faint hearted!
Choosing: Paint colours.
Deciding: To stick with the existing kitchen colour. It’s not what I would have chosen but I absolutely love it.

Outsourcing: The painting of the lounge and bedrooms to a professional – it was a wise move!
Wishing: I’d taken some before and after pictures.
Sleeping: Like a baby. Long may it last!
Starting: My new job as an exam invigilator (it’s only temporary.)
Buying: Some new work clothes. I’ve been in my uniform of leggings and tees since 2020!
Noticing: It’s not just the grass in our garden that’s growing fast! The meadows were nearly taller than Teddy!

Liking: The warmer weather – temperatures have been as high as 25 degrees.
Disliking: Moving. I wish someone could just teleport all my worldly goods to the new house.
Whipping: Up these coronation cupcakes – not exactly fit for a king. LOL!

Meeting: More of our lovely neighbours at the Coronation street party.
Picking: Fresh rhubarb from my neighbour’s allotment – what a treat.
Hosting: Our Sydney friend in Stamford – miss you, Dan!

Spending: A weekend in London and catching up with the girls.
Marvelling: At how much Kings Cross has changed since I was last there.
Enjoying: A proper English afternoon tea in the big smoke.

Packing: And unpacking. I have to say I am not a fan.
Wondering: What little Teddy is thinking – this will be our fourth home in 18 months!
Taking: David and Teddy to the orchard where I buried my mum’s ashes.

Missing: My mum so much. It’s hard to believe she’s been gone 2 years.
Thinking: That we learn to live with grief, we don’t ever get over it.
Introducing: Teddy to my mum’s dog, Calvin – they got along famously.
Loving: Seeing all my best boys together!

Hoping: This is our last move, at least for a while!
Looking: Forward to being settled in our new home.
I hope there was lots of yay in your May. Tell me all about it in the comments!