Well, August flew by in the blink of an eye but it’s the first of the month which around here can only mean one thing… it’s time to join Sherry and friends with a look back at what’s been happening in my kitchen. Let’s get stuck in, shall we?!
My Asian food cravings really got the better of me in August and although we have a really good selection of restaurants in Stamford, there’s no Thai and nowhere to score some really good dumplings. In desperation, I got some of these gyoza from Waitrose and they totally hit the spot. I can sleep easy at night now knowing that I have sourced a dumpling supply!

Lidl (very similar to Aldi but with a slightly bigger selection) weekly showcases a different cuisine in Flavour of the Week. When it was time for Thai, I snapped up one of these Pad Thai kits. I’m not usually one for packet foods but desperate times require desperate measures! The end results looked terrible but tasted pretty good!

Every week at the local market we head to see Mr Fowler and get some of his free range eggs. He has a photo album on his stall with pictures of the hens living their best life and his eggs are clucking fabulous – you can really taste the difference.

Anyway, I’ve been looking for somewhere to keep my eggs because it’s rarely hot enough here to put eggs in the fridge. When I was little, my mum had one of those ceramic chicken baskets and I was desperate for one. Isn’t it funny how everything old becomes new and cool again if you wait long enough? Anyhoo, I found this baby at yes, you guessed it… Mason Cash. Obviously, there’s no sign of my Mason Cash obsession abating anytime soon.

I only published one new recipe this month – I finally shared my chicken jerky for dogs recipe. I love that it’s so healthy and affordable and that you don’t need any special equipment to make it. Teddy Roosevelt definitely gives these treats his paw of approval.

I’m really making a big effort to try and blog more regularly and so although I didn’t publish any new recipes I did publish a new recipe round up of my old Mexican inspired favourites!

My auntie came to stay and I made my go-to dish for non meat eaters, Jamie Oliver’s Salmon Traybake. I am not a fan of washing dishes so one tray dinners are my jam. This traybake always hits the spot – look how colourful it is going into the oven. I had big plans to take a picture before serving but as it happened we were all so hungry, we just dived in!

We went away for a few days to stay with friends in north Norfolk and a very jolly time was had by all. We stayed in this lovely little village called Burnham Market also known as Chelsea on Sea because it’s so posh and everything is so expensive. Anyhoo, I couldn’t leave without visiting the Burnham Tearoom and Cafe for a slice of their Scone Pudding. It looks and tastes just like bread pudding but with a slightly drier, scone like texture. Now I just need some time to recreate it at home!

As always I’ve made a ton of pesto twists and I even whipped up some pesto bread this month – we love a sneaky slice in our lunchboxes. Yes, we have a lunchbox every day even though we don’t leave the house to go to work. What can I say? We like a lunchbox, we’re weird like that!

I’ve been benefiting from everyone’s garden glut… last month it was rhubarb. This month it’s been yellow and green zucchini, green beans, tomatoes and corn on the cob. I must remember to start calling zucchini courgette because everyone gives me a blank look when I say zucchini! I love the fresh produce but I think I love it even more when someone upcycles the fresh produce for me. My neighbour made this delicious courgette chutney. She said we have to let it rest a few months before enjoying it – so that’s something to look forward to!

The same neighbour invited us for a late dinner of stir fry one Friday night after our Fizzy Friday session with neighbours “on the green” (think less village green and more a large patch of grass at the end of the street!) As soon as said stir fry was dished up, her husband reached for this sauce which is basically a ketchup in mustard form! It’s highly addictive and really you do want to eat it with everything – even stir fry! Of course I had to hunt it down in Waitrose. We can’t wait to try it with some Lincolnshire sausages and mash! Yum!

I also got this new plant for a belated birthday present. I like to think I’m a serial plant killer who’s come good. I’ve had this plant a month now by the kitchen fireplace and no one is more surprised than I that it’s still alive. (Let’s hope I haven’t jinxed it!) Stay tuned for a plant update next month.

Have you got green fingers? Are you a fan of a traybake too? What’s been cooking in your kitchen? Tell me all the things!