Taking Stock – August 2024

I know the start of September has been and gone but I’m just catching up here with all the August activities. It was a busy month enjoying time with friends and family both home and away. Grab a cuppa and let me tell you all about it!

Baking: This Banana and Carrot Cake has been on high rotation.

Making: Zucchini slice – it’s an Aussie classic and goes great in a lunchbox.

Cooking: This Lemon and Oregano Chicken Traybake on the regular.

Drinking: Iced coffee – yes, it’s been that hot!

Eating: Some superior cakeage at the recently opened Cakes and Co.

Having: A pizza night with friends – all homemade in their pizza oven.

Coveting: A pizza oven of my own!

Sharing: The recipe for this scrumptious Blueberry and Apple Loaf.

Joining: Sherry and friends for this month’s edition of In My Kitchen.

Picking: So many blackberries and now wondering what to do with them. Teddy is very invested!

Enjoying: All the homegrown produce shared by green fingered friends and neighbours.

Marvelling: At this giant zucchini!

Showing: All our visitors beautiful Burghley House.

Knowing: It’s not a visit to Burghley House if you don’t get a photo in the blue box!

Loving: Having so many friends to stay this month – it’s been a very busy month at this B and B!

Liking: The pretty sunflowers in town – so joyful!

Disliking: The news.

Spending: Some quality cousin time.

Celebrating: A friend’s baby shower in London and a friend’s 60th in Stamford, all in the same day!

Popping: To London for a night of family fun to celebrate 75 years of my amazing auntie. I love her so much!

Road tripping: To the north east to see the outlaws.

Noticing: That I didn’t take any pics of the people but did get one of the doggy cousins!

Buying: My first loaf of bread straight from the baker’s oven – the bakehouse is just around the corner!

Wanting: These ladybird books in the local antiques shop – they make me so nostalgic.

Realising: I must be old if items from my childhood are now considered old enough to be antiques!

Swooning: Over all the stunning flowers outside The Crown Hotel in town.

Seeing: The Recruiting Officer at Tolethorpe outdoor theatre.

Watching: Season 3 of Hacks

Finding: My reading mojo.

Starting: The Guncle by Steven Rowley.

Finishing: My Happy Place by Emily Henry.

Appreciating: Weather warm and dry enough for off road walkies.

Practising: My German on Duolingo.

Admiring: My new nails.

Ordering: My Little Party Dress Christmas dress and couldn’t be more excited.

Looking: Up at the summer skies.

Feeling: Very grateful.

Looking: Forward to autumn and all the cosy feels.

What’s been happening with you? Are you looking forward to the change of season?

Linking up with Min for Wednesday Words and Whimsy