I know I say it every month but this year is really flying by. I can hardly keep up! Before I get throughly stuck into November, I thought I’d better recap October first. I’d love it if you joined me.
Hosting: The in laws for a wholesome weekend.

Picking: The first pumpkins of the season.

Checking: Out the classic cars at Corby Glen Sheep Fair (and yes, sheep fairs are totally a thing!)

Baking: Honey cake for Jewish New Year. This one is actually dairy free.

Hoping: For a sweet and happy year ahead.
Making: Chutneys and relishes. I feel like a legit pioneer woman now!
Cooking: All things pumpkin – this soup, curry and these delicious Pumpkin Muffins.

Eating: Lots of soup – it’s certainly been the weather for it.
Adding: A hanging basket outside, I’ve been after one for ages!

Rediscovering: My reading mojo – yay!
Reading: Sophie Kinsella’s What Does It Feel Like? Pass the tissues.
Watching: Nobody Wants This – so good! I really hope they make another season.
Coveting: James Blunt tickets – may the ticket gods look favourably upon me.
Going: To London two weeks in a row- unheard of!
Taking: Teddy to London – he loved his furst time in Hyde Park.

Dining: At James Blunt’s Pub, the Fox and Pheasant.
Seeing: Abba Voyage – what a treat!

Marvelling: At all the amazing Christmas decorations at Liberty London.

Laughing: Our way through the show Why Am I Still Single? Especially at this pic!

Bookmarking: Lots of delicious recipes in the new Recipe Tin Eats cookbook, Tonight.
Investing: In a heated drying rack – it’s been a game changer.
Biting: The bullet and sending out my first newsletter in 4 years! Eeep!
Loving: The autumn colours.

Liking: Clean sheet day with a Halloween vibe!

Disliking: Rain and grey skies – boo!
Preparing: To welcome the last visitors of the season. Teddy is enjoying his role as quality controller!

Reflecting: On 2 years back in the UK – I just don’t know where the time goes!
Wearing: My new penguin slippers inside and coats and beanies outside!

Linking: Up with Sherry and friends for this month’s In My Kitchen.
Getting: Jabbed to the max with our covid and flu boosters.

Securing: Our matching Christmas jumpers for 2024! All will be revealed soon.
Switching: On the slow cooker.
Turning: The clocks forward.
Looking: Forward to cosy nights in front of the fire.

Celebrating: 13 years without a thyroid – I don’t miss it at all!
Thinking: Back to the day of my thyroidectomy and feeling very lucky indeed.

So now I’ve told you all about my October, I’d love to hear about yours!