Taking Stock – February 2025

I know we’ve all marched into March but I’m a bit on the back foot and haven’t yet taken stock of February but I’m here now… Better late than never and all that. February was short and mostly sweet and looked a bit like this…

Making: This T Cake for my friend Tracey’s birthday.

Baking: This pesto and cheddar loaf – this recipe is an oldie but a goodie.

Eating: Out a lot.

Drinking: Coffee… Because tired.

Enjoying: Some quality time with my auntie while she convalesces.

Joining: Sherry and friends for this month’s edition of In My Kitchen.

Celebrating: Our 18th anniversary with a weekend in London.

Sharing: All the anniversary getawaydeets in my first 10 on 10 post it what seems like forever.

Posting: This cracking recipe for Gluten Free Caramel Slice. It only took me 5 years LOL!

Pressing: Publish on my guide on where to eat and drink in Porto. Take me back!

Marvelling: At the interactive art exhibit, Frameless. We loved it!

Seeing: Snow Patrol and James Blunt in concert on consecutive nights at the O2 in London was such a treat.

Watching: Paradise on Disney+ – so good!

Listening: To lots of live music this month – feeling very lucky.

Singing: The musicals with Massaoke and meeting the cast too!

Wishing: I wasn’t so tone deaf!

Getting: Away for a few days with the girls – can’t believe we’re old enough to have known each other for more than 30 years! Where does the time go?!

Catching: My favourite band Scouting for Girls – live in Manchester Cathedral. Goals!

Reading: The Daughter of Auschwitz and The Midwife of Auschwitz. Heavy stuff!

Having: My annual scan and check up – the scanxiety is real even after 13 years.

Knowing: I’m all clear (at least until my next check up) is the best feeling!

Losing: A dear friend – going to take her advice of “enjoy every day” to heart.

Learning: French on Duolingo and really enjoying it.

Coveting: This Ralph the Cavapoo chocolate Easter treat.

Wondering: Why they didn’t call the cavapoo Teddy?! He must have been the muse!

Spending: The weekend with visitors – it’s always a treat.

Dressing: For the arctic, it’s been SO cold!

Wearing: New glasses. Yes, I’ve been to Specsavers.

Opening: Anniversary and Valentine’s cards.

Gifting: David a heart shaped pork pie for Valentine’s Day. Who said romance is dead?!

Receiving: These beautiful flowers from my auntie for our anniversary.

Returning: To work for a few weeks.

Loving: That the days are lighter for longer.

Liking: This new cosy blanket although I think Teddy likes it more!

Disliking: The news.

Feeling: A bit discombobulated – the world is a crazy place right now.

Looking: Forward to spring.

How did you fare in February? What are you looking forward to in March? Tell me all everything in the comments.

Linking up with Min for Wednesday Words and Whimsy