A Birthday and a Giveaway
As you can see I'm a lover of birthdays (and cake) since way (way, way) back and I love birthdays as much now as I did in this picture (circa 1974.) Anyway, today is my birthday! Woot! I love [Read More]
As you can see I'm a lover of birthdays (and cake) since way (way, way) back and I love birthdays as much now as I did in this picture (circa 1974.) Anyway, today is my birthday! Woot! I love [Read More]
Last week it was David's birthday. Today it's my best friend Sam's birthday. Tomorrow it's my birthday. In three days it's my mum's birthday. That's a lot of birthdays. It's lucky I like [Read More]
Serves 6 This chicken pie is on high rotation in our house and it's one of our favourite winter warmers. It's packed with veggies, freezes well and is super tasty. If you're feeding a crowd, you [Read More]
Hello friends! How was your week that was? This week has been full of busy of the best kind; the Christmas tree is up, David's birthday cake is done and dusted and the good times are still [Read More]
My life has been touched by some uber amazing women whose passion for life and the way they choose to live it have really inspired me. Some are bloggers, some are not, their lives are all different [Read More]
Makes 24 squares I first made this slice a couple of years ago, the good old fashioned way and posted this recipe. I was keen as mustard to try it out in the Thermomix, and I am happy to report [Read More]
July is birthday season on Planet Sam. Me, David, my mum and one of my besties (also a Sam) have birthdays in just over a week. There is so much to celebrate. I've always been a huge fan of [Read More]
If it's true what they say about time flying by when you're having fun, then the last 30 days must have been full of fun because June flew by super fast. The month got off to a bright start with a [Read More]
It's no secret how much I love high tea. I would have high tea for breakfast, lunch and supper, if only my waistline would allow it. Moreover, high tea can be an eye opener as much a mouth opener, [Read More]
Hello peeps! Happy Satur-yay! Let me introduce you to adorable Ellie. She's the bunny child of Babs, the creative genius behind Patchwork Cactus. You should totally go and check out the blog if not [Read More]