Snickers Brownies

Makes 20 These Snickers Brownies are next level - dark, fudgy, delicious and packed with roasted nuts and caramel. Of course, it's not the first time I've baked my chocolate bars in to a [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – The Past

That's what I love about a new year. It's time to let the past go and look forward to 365 shiny new days full of opportunity and promise. And though the past has gone and we don't quite know what [Read More]

Word of the Year 2015

It was this post that really inspired me to choose a word for the year. I chose my first word in 2014, and it was health. I'd say I was all over it, because I sailed through my check ups, have my [Read More]

What went down in December

I know it's 2015 and 2014 seems a bit old hat but I didn't feel right to write about December before it was well and truly done and dusted. In fact, I really hadn't intended to write a  round up for [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Celebrate

I'm not a big fan of New Years' per se. I find it so much pressure to have so much fun. I do however love a good knees up - whatever the day, whatever the month, whatever the year. So however [Read More]

The Best of the Blog 2014

The results are in! Here are the five most popular posts of 2014, and unsurprisingly, they're all about the food! 1. Vegetarian Dumplings Given my love affair with dumplings of all varieties, [Read More]

10 questions for the year old and new

The end of the year is always a time for great reflection, I like to look back on the year that's past and look forward to the year that's coming, kind of like a hi, bye scenario. The lovely Bron at [Read More]

Christmas 2014 – it’s a wrap!

Do you have Christmas traditions at your place? We don't. When it comes to Christmas we totally fly by the seats of our pants and err on the side of the unconventional.  Apart from the tree because [Read More]

Happy Holidays Y’all!

Well peeps, we've finally made it. And so has Santa. I found him in the living room sleeping on the job! WAKE UP SANTA! Christmas has come! It's been a heavy heart kind of week down under. I'm [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Snowflakes

We're all special and we are all different. A bit like our holidays really. So in the words of Kris Carr, just remember "You don't have to be Martha Stewart of Julia Childs." (thank goodness for [Read More]