Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Be Nice

I believe that being nice isn't just more important, it's most important. You've heard the saying about great minds thinking alike, how about blogging alike? I loved the Kindness Boomerang that [Read More]

Cronut O’ Clock

Once upon a time in New York City, a baker called Dominique Ansel  had the bright idea of making an artery hardening pastry that was half croissant and half doughnut. It was a pastry lover's dream [Read More]

Why I Write

photo credit Evan via photopin   cc  So a few months ago, a blog hop was started where bloggers were invited to post about why they write. I was itching to get in on the action so when the lovely Viv [Read More]

Sydney Harbour 10k and an Instameet

Last night right before I went to bed, I started googling Run Disney stuff. This was a big mistake, nay, a huge mistake because I whipped myself into such a frenzy of excitement that I couldn’t sleep. [Read More]

June, the month that was.

I can't  believe we're already half way through the year. Can you?! Eeeeep! June got started in amazing technicolour with a Vivid  boat cruise. Experiencing vivid by boat has many advantages which [Read More]

In the Mix with Dani Valent

To say I'm not very adventurous would be an understatement. My Comfort Zone is my favourite place to be. I like running the same routes, dining at the same restaurants and following the same [Read More]