Cronut O’ Clock

Once upon a time in New York City, a baker called Dominique Ansel  had the bright idea of making an artery hardening pastry that was half croissant and half doughnut. It was a pastry lover's dream [Read More]

Why I Write

photo credit Evan via photopin   cc  So a few months ago, a blog hop was started where bloggers were invited to post about why they write. I was itching to get in on the action so when the lovely Viv [Read More]

Sydney Harbour 10k and an Instameet

Last night right before I went to bed, I started googling Run Disney stuff. This was a big mistake, nay, a huge mistake because I whipped myself into such a frenzy of excitement that I couldn’t sleep. [Read More]

June, the month that was.

I can't  believe we're already half way through the year. Can you?! Eeeeep! June got started in amazing technicolour with a Vivid  boat cruise. Experiencing vivid by boat has many advantages which [Read More]

In the Mix with Dani Valent

To say I'm not very adventurous would be an understatement. My Comfort Zone is my favourite place to be. I like running the same routes, dining at the same restaurants and following the same [Read More]

Breakfast at The Boathouse

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. Especially at the beach. This is winter at my favourite beach, Balmoral. Today we met friends for breakfast.  There are a few brekkie options here, but [Read More]