Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Thankful

Tomorrow will be 30 months to the day without a thyroid. It hasn't always been easy without my butterfly shaped friend, but it has always been worth it. My experience with Cancer still surprises me. [Read More]

The Big Trip

Last week, something uber exciting happened. We booked the tickets for our big trip.  I am so excited I could jive with a jelly baby.  I can't imagine anything better than booking this trip, except of [Read More]

Mad as a March Hare

January was full of fun.  February was full and March was manic! We spent the first few days of the month on the coast in Kiama with the outlaws where it rained kangaroos and koalas. However [Read More]

Rhinos and Milestones

I'm a bit of a stickler for Cancerversaries. I'm not being morbid, quite the opposite, I think that every milestone reached is something to be celebrated and something to be grateful for. Plus, [Read More]

Wednesday Words of Wisdom – Run the Day

I love this one in every sense of the words. Only 53 days until the Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon. I better get a wiggle on and run my day!  I hope you get to spend today doing something that [Read More]

101 things in 1001 days

  I'm always banging on how everyone needs a purpose. Viktor Frankl wrote about it, the cast of Avenue Q sang about it, my counsellor counselled me about it  and  now I live by it. Anyway,  a [Read More]