Every tree tells a story

You know how I'm crazy about Christmas.Well, I'm especially crazy about the Christmas tree. I'm pretty pleased that I have persuaded David to have the tree up in July  and  December. It makes sense [Read More]

Best Baked Cheesecake

Serves 8 This is  one of our all time favourite recipes. This baked cheesecake is so delicious and so simple that truly, it's the only cheesecake recipe you'll ever need!  It's [Read More]

Good News Friday

These days doctors appointments are like buses, you wait ages for one and then two come along at once. This week I had double trouble with the follow up for the  hand surgeon and  my six monthly visit [Read More]

5 ways to survive the Christmas crazy

It's true what they say, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It can also be the most stressful. Even though I love Christmas more than chocolate covered pretzels (ie, a whole lot,) I [Read More]

Secret Santa for Soldiers

I really love Christmas. A lot. This year I seem to love it more than ever before, which let me tell you, is a whole lot of lovin'! Not only did I put the tree up in November and go overdrive with [Read More]

Meatless Monday – Eggplant Lasagne

Serves 4 This is one of my favourite veggie no-cheese-sauce-no-fuss lasagne recipes. The eggplant gives it a really meaty texture, but the bold, simple flavours are the heroes here. It's super easy [Read More]

Happy Belated Birthday Blog

Wowzers! The blog just turned 2! It must be true what they say about time flying by when you're having fun. I can hardly believe it. Where did those 730 days go? (Answers in the comments, if you [Read More]