Slow Cooker Beef, Date and Spinach Tagine

Serves 4 Now I know it's warming up nicely here down under, but there's still time for one last hurrah with the slow cooker! Of course, if you're in the Northern hemisphere, this is the perfect [Read More]

Not Run Ready

My next half marathon is now less than a week away. Eeek! A week! This is my third half marathon and I am the most ill prepared, tiredest and heaviest I have been before a 21km run off. I know it [Read More]

The 21 Day Kindness Challenge

Kindess is something that should be shared, and once it gets going, it's infectious. I was pretty stoked when I saw this 21 Day Kindness Challenge shared on Brenda's Facebook Page. (If you haven't [Read More]

Thermomix Melt and Mix Honey Cake

Serves 10-12 This Melt and Mix Honey Cake is the perfect cake for any occasion and it takes longer to collect the ingredients than it does to make the batter (even without  a Thermomix - see [Read More]

So long, Sam

About 16 years ago, me and my mum took a trip to Battersea Dog's Home. We looked at a lot of dogs that day. We were like the Goldilocks' of the Dogs Home, all the dogs were either too big, too small, [Read More]