A Happy Shopper
I never travel light and always have to do some suitcase wrestling before I take a trip. I wish I could be a holdall and a handbag kind of girl, but I'm not. I'm a jumbo suitcase, 3 carrier bags and [Read More]
I never travel light and always have to do some suitcase wrestling before I take a trip. I wish I could be a holdall and a handbag kind of girl, but I'm not. I'm a jumbo suitcase, 3 carrier bags and [Read More]
Makes 12 I tweaked these from Donna Hay's Fresh and Light Cookbook and also converted them to the Thermomix . There's all the yumminess I have come to expect from Donna's recipes, but just as the [Read More]
We have some time on our hands before we drop Stace and Steve off at the airport, which means we have time to make Stacey's wish come true with a visit to Adriano Zumbo's Patisserie in Balmain. To [Read More]
I can hardly believe it's a year since I was radioactive girl. How times change. This time last year I was incarcerated in a lead lined room and this year, I'm living it large, having fun, with my [Read More]
Serves 10-12 I love that this uses so many "raw" ingredients that are milled to perfection in the trusty thermie! The result is deliciously, dare I say it, moist and with a beautiful orange tang. [Read More]
Cuts into 8-12 slices It's no secret that I love chocolate. A lot. However, I have a bit of an appetite anomaly because although I love chocolate, I don't really love chocolate cakes or chocolate [Read More]
Serves 6 This simple curry is super tasty and definitely more sweet than spicy. It's also full of hidden fruit and veggies, so perfect for kids and vego-phobics alike! This is a firm favourite in [Read More]
Serves 4 This green juice will give you six serves of fruit and veggies - it's green but it's not mean! When I was having treatment and was on the low iodine diet, I was a lean, [Read More]
So today I have a day off but I'm so busy I start to wonder how I ever have time to go to work. I don't stop from the minute I get up until the minute I go to bed. I think I need another day off [Read More]
Makes 24 I don't think I ever met a chocolate I didn't like. So of course, I'm loving these cookies with a chocolate trifecta - dark, milk and white! Three lots of chocolate, that's thrice as [Read More]