The Catalogue of Disasters

There are some mornings when it's just better to stay in bed. Today is one of those mornings. I just didn't know it yet! It all seemed like such a good idea when Pippa suggested breakfast and [Read More]

Chantal’s Thermomix ANZAC Biscuits

Makes about 24 large  or 40 small biscuits We recently had the pleasure of hosting our friends Joan and Beverley from the UK. Both Joan and Bev worked in the office of the school in London where I [Read More]

International Food Fest

It's such a joy to go to work these days and I know I'm lucky to love my job this much. My office is in a great spot in the city and I have great colleagues who are wonderful to work with, and this [Read More]

Celebrating Life with Matchbox Twenty

There's an awe inspiring double bill at the Sydney Entertainment Centre and we've got tickets! We've also got great seats and low energy levels, so I really hope I can stay awake! We are in for a [Read More]

Thermomix Spinach and Pumpkin Risotto

Serves 4 My neighbour Luce, was made for her role as OTT (Official Taste Tester) because she's (sometimes brutally) honest, she has a well defined palate, and best of all, she'll taste pretty [Read More]

Thermomix Easy Everyday White Bread

Cuts into 14-16 slices This recipe is the brainchild of Tanya, a Thermomix consultant from WA. This lovely bread is light, fluffy and just like shop bought bread, only better! It takes a couple of [Read More]

Fundraising Has Finished

So fundraising has finally finished. The run has been done and the cash has been splashed. Together along with my awesome friends and family, we have raised an amazing $2100. Woohoo! The half [Read More]

Forum Thermomix!

So while I was getting all tec savvy and trying to get to grips with my profile on Google Plus, I stumbled upon a Thermomix Forum! I could not believe my good fortune. A whole forum  all about the [Read More]