Sticky Beef with Broccolini
Serves 4 Ingredients 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed one thumb sized piece fresh ginger, grated 350g minced beef 1/4 cup (60ml) chinese cooking wine 2 [Read More]
Serves 4 Ingredients 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed one thumb sized piece fresh ginger, grated 350g minced beef 1/4 cup (60ml) chinese cooking wine 2 [Read More]
There's been a plethora of pleasing post this week which has been a refreshing change from the usual pile of bills and boring bits. First off there was the letter from the Prof, wrapping things up, [Read More]
Serves 4 My name is Sam and I am addicted to hummus. I could easily be the founder of HLA (HummusLovers Anonymous.) I've always liked the stuff, but it was only when I lived on a kibbutz in Israel [Read More]
Today we make the trek across town to IKEA. We haven't been for a while, and my wish list has gotten a lot longer since our last visit! I can take or leave the furniture; I don't have my own home, [Read More]
What better way to celebrate Friday than with pizza! And not just any old pizza either, homemade pizza fresh from the thermie. I looked carefully and learned a lot when Yvonne came over for the Varoma [Read More]
We were seriously salivating by the time we rocked up at Courgette. It's earned the reputation of being one of Canberra's most gorgeous restaurants and has been awarded a hat by the Sydney Morning [Read More]
Serves 6 This healthy, low GI brown rice salad is so easy and so delicious. It's a great way to use up left over veggies and feed a crowd. When I'm pushed for time, I use frozen veggies but this [Read More]
I've been in touch with Anna over at the Kolling Foundation since the days when my fundraising began. She and her team have been super supportive, keeping in touch and even kitting me out in my very [Read More]
Serves 4 Using water and ice cubes in this awesome orangey juice helps incorporate the fibre and works to dilute the fructose. Ingredients 1 large carrot, roughly chopped 2 - 3 oranges, [Read More]
Serves 6 This recipe is from Maria at Feisty Tapas, I couldn't wait to give it a try in my Thermie! I'm always looking for fast and fabulous things to throw together for work lunches and this [Read More]