Good Food, Good Wine, Good Time

I'm up with the birds and get busy with some baking and blogging.  I can't let those delicious Amaretti biscuits go to waste, so I make another amazing Apricot and Amaretti cake and stash it in the [Read More]

The Endof It All (For Now…)

Hooray for Friday. I'm having one of those  mornings and am all at sixes and sevens. I'm forgetting to do this, and doing that when I shouldn't. Still, at least I get the bake bang on, that Borrowdale [Read More]


I'm seeing a lot of wise words and sound sayings on my  Pinterest adventures. I''m pinning like it's going out of fashion. I have a six month window of opportunity until my next blood tests and I'm [Read More]

The Joy of Pinterest

Gaille is back in the office! A double whammy! Another reason to be happy! Last night, she messaged me the link for the wonderful Flourless Almond and Coconut Cake and today, we marvel how modern [Read More]

Less is More

It's an action packed Thursday. I have a lunchtime rendezvous with Smoha, who was one of the first students I taught when I came to Sydney, and he's just finished a Masters Degree at university. How's [Read More]

Chilli Chicken Stir Fry

Serves 4 This is fast and full of flavour. The lime, soy sauce and sweet chilli  work so well together giving this stir fry a sweet, citrusy kick! Ingredients 2 tablespoons  vegetable [Read More]

Borrowdale Tea Bread

Serves 10 In this classic English  recipe dried fruit is soaked in tea and baked in to one super delicious loaf. The loaf gets it's name from the Borrowdale Valley in Cumbria and it's a [Read More]

Gooey Chocolate and Cranberry Cookies

Makes about 20 cookies I love relief teaching and have embraced the spontaneity of waking up each morning and wondering if I'll be called into work or not. The only thing I don't like is that it's [Read More]

Caring and Sharing

You know what they say,  what goes around, comes around... well, today, the Feeder Programme does just that! Gary celebrated his 60th birthday on Monday and miraculously managed to keep it quiet! I [Read More]