Go Slow Sunday
We both get off to a slow start, but venture out into the sunshine to go shopping. After the untimely demise of our granny grocery trolley last week, today we're on the hunt for a replacement. It's [Read More]
We both get off to a slow start, but venture out into the sunshine to go shopping. After the untimely demise of our granny grocery trolley last week, today we're on the hunt for a replacement. It's [Read More]
Today is a Sat-to-do-Day! First off, I have to brave the scales at Weight Watchers. It's been a while and I haven't yet got rid of that holiday heaviness, so I approach the weigh-in with some [Read More]
Serves 4 When we lived in London we lived in an area with a curry house on every corner. However, we rarely ate out at an Indian restaurant because Dharish lived around the corner and her curries [Read More]
The Feeder Programme is firing on all cylinders today. As I'm batch cooking like it's going out of fashion, the freezer is filling up so fast that I am forced to raid it and remove all the unwanted [Read More]
Serves 10 I'm loving my new almond milk obsession, because a) I feel better b) it's kind to cows and c) I'm have a never ending supply of almond meal. Now that I've discovered, I can dry out the [Read More]
Serves 4 What this dish lacks in aesthetics, it more than makes up for in flavour! This North African casserole is low in fat, super healthy and freezer friendly! If it's just us two, we often [Read More]
Another day, another cake! Despite yesterday's bake being burnt to a crisp, my colleagues eagerly eat it without complaint. They want to know the name of my very humble offering. I find this question [Read More]
Eve is coming over for dinner so it's all go in the kitchen! In my wisdom, I decide I may aswell bake Alex's birthday cake for Friday. I think I'm being eco friendly saving time and energy using the [Read More]
Serves 6 This traditional British pudding is made up from apples baked under a light sponge. It's an oldie but a goodie. I like to think that this pudding is named after my friend Eve but truth [Read More]
When I was chez Auntie Sandra (she who is famous for that 0h-so-lovely Champion Chicken Soup,) in the mother country, I ordered Evelyn Rose's New Complete International Jewish Cookbook in an attempt [Read More]