A British Bake-a-Thon

Another lazy morning and the sun is shining so I take advantage of the situation and go out for a run. I don't know what we do this morning but the time flies by and before we know it it's lunchtime! [Read More]

Lemon Drizzle Cake

Just type "lemon" in the search box and you'll see just how much I love lemons. I love them a lot. A whole lot. I love baking with them too, so when life and/or my lovely neighbours give me lemons [Read More]

Banana and Carrot Cake

If a Banana Cake and a Carrot Cake had a cake baby - this would be it. This bake combines two of my favourite cakes - banana and carrot - and includes both fruit and veggies which in my opinion, [Read More]

Gluten-Free Lemon Drizzle Cake

Mashed potato is the secret hero of this gluten free cake! It's marvellously moist and lovely and lemony. I first saw the Thermomix at my friend Kathy's demo and it was love at first sight! I went [Read More]

Sub Zero to Sun

Hooray! The sun has got his hat on and he's out to play. It feels  freezing but it looks sunny, so I'll settle for that. I take advantage of the dry weather and head out for a trot round the block. It [Read More]

Pyjama Princess

The weather is wild! It's blowing a gale, raining cats and dogs and it's freezing! I'm counting us lucky, there's blizzards in some parts! In England, they call this season Spring. Go figure! Poor [Read More]

Oriental Pork Balls in Hoisin Broth

Serves 4 So I was going to buy Thai soup from the take away for lunch because I was desperate for some Asian flavours but I was feeling tight arse because a) it's Tuesday and b) I'm not earning so [Read More]

Fun in Robin Hood Country

After a busy morning at mother's we head off on a little adventure across the county to Nottingham, home of Robin Hood and also home to Linda and Geoff, our surrogate parents. Linda was the teacher [Read More]

Robin Hood Revisited

We have a lovely long lie in and a bacon butty breakfast at Linda and Geoff's. After a belly full of  bread and bacon and a serious caffeine fix, Linda takes us on a scenic tour of [Read More]

A Busy Weekend

It's my first weekend back in Britain. It's been action packed - running, dog walking and even a bit of gardening! I worked out that I've run a half marathon this week and have clocked up over 30 [Read More]