More Kitchen Chaos
It’s just like the good old days. At 5.55 (AM!) I queue round the block to get into the gym. The things I do for Tuesday pump! I love this class, it’s one of my favourites and it’s so good to be back. [Read More]
It’s just like the good old days. At 5.55 (AM!) I queue round the block to get into the gym. The things I do for Tuesday pump! I love this class, it’s one of my favourites and it’s so good to be back. [Read More]
Serves 4 This frittata is tasty, quick and has only four ingredients! What's not to love?! This is perfect for an easy lunch or dinner and tastes great cold too! I've updated the recipe and added [Read More]
It’s another beautiful day in paradise today. The sun is shining, it’s the blog’s birthday and I’m getting my mojo back. I’m not quite an energiser bunny but there’s definitely more in the tank than [Read More]
Serves 4 If you're looking for the ultimate one dish wonder, then I think you might have found it! This dish is simple, colourful and easy to throw together. It's like a festival of colour on the [Read More]
My body clock finally gets the Sunday vibe and I manage to sleep in until 9am. I had planned to go to Basic Training but I wake up feeling like the Tin Man out of the Wizard of Oz and am really [Read More]
Makes 8 As much as I love a baguette, there is something quite irresistible about a loaf of Turkish bread, and when you add garlic and butter to the equation, it's positively next level! I promise [Read More]
My body clock clearly isn’t in the weekend vibe as I’m still up with the birds. On the plus side at least I have plenty of time to spare before I head back to the gym for my first Body Pump class. 7 [Read More]
Serves 2 - 4 I don't know if it's because I've lived in two different hemispheres with (in my opinion) two entirely different weather systems but I'm one of those people who is happy to eat [Read More]
It’s official. I’m no longer radioactive. My new “safe” status is a great way to start the day! I take the Matzah Pudding to work and share it with my workmates. I think everyone must have lost a [Read More]
I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m full of beans, but I definitely have more than I did yesterday! Work is going brilliantly. I can’t wait to go back full time! I stay for lunch today which is a [Read More]