Radioactive Girl
It's official! I have the most expensive butt cheeks in town. I'm also radioactive, but only a little bit. When we were looking for our new place, being close to the hospital was top of my wish [Read More]
It's official! I have the most expensive butt cheeks in town. I'm also radioactive, but only a little bit. When we were looking for our new place, being close to the hospital was top of my wish [Read More]
Move over Barack and make way for Kid President. Have you heard of this fella? He's smart, he's funny, he's cute and man, he can dance. He may only be nine years old, but he knows what's what. So [Read More]
It's official. I have the most expensive butt in town. Over the last two days, I have had $1000 worth of drugs injected into each butt cheek. That's a lot of butt for my buck! Sometimes, it helps [Read More]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkADj0TPrJA I've been humming this tune a lot recently and not just because I'm a child of the eighties. I can feel a change is a-coming. My tests are a-looming and [Read More]
No one is invincible. Even me. I found this out the hard way. This happened yesterday. My mum always says how your life can change in twenty seconds flat. Mine changed in about 2 seconds. [Read More]
Have you heard of Zach Sobiech? You can read about this inspirational individual here. His are words to live by... live like every day is your last. [Read More]
Trish from My Little Drummer Boys posted a link to a You Tube video yesterday. Have you dropped by her blog? If you haven't, you should. It's really good. So was the You Tube clip. I didn't get a [Read More]
I never need an excuse to bake a cake. I could bake morning, noon and night, for no other reason than it makes me happy. I never get bored of baking. However, I love it when I have a reason to [Read More]
This is a picture of me and Jasmine. We've been friends since we were three. We're still friends. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends, near and far. They're all stars to me. [Read More]
I'm on the low iodine diet again for the third, and what I hope is, the final time. I'm working on the premise, third time lucky and all that. The first time I tried it, I was having treatment. On [Read More]