Another Day, Another Photo

I checked in last week with my progress on January's Body Springclean, so it seems only fair to keep you posted on what's clicking with  Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day. I'm keeping up to date with both [Read More]

Meatless Mondays

Ever since we watched the thought provoking Forks Over Knives, we've been consciously trying to eat less meat and more vegetarian dinners. It just makes honest to goodness wholefood sense. What's [Read More]

Body Springclean Update

Well the Body Springclean is up and running. And, more to the point, so am I. Even the record high temperatures haven't deterred me from my new improved healthy regime! Having said that, even I [Read More]

A photo a day keeps the doctor away

The first week of the year  has already finished and I've still got my 2 challenges on the go. I'm going great guns with Jo's January Body Springclean and I'm also keeping creative with Fat Mum Slim's [Read More]

January Body Spring Clean Challenge

I haven't quite made any resolutions - so many things I want to achieve and only 364 days in which to do them! I just don't know where to start! So I've decided to stop making resolutions and just [Read More]

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

We had a lot of fun saying goodbye to 2012. So did the other 1 and a half million people  by the looks of things. Judging by the crowds, Sydney is the NYE mecca of the world. I don't think I have ever [Read More]

Out with the old…

I can hardly believe 2012 has come to an end. It's a bit of a shame really as I was rather quite enjoying it. 2012 was a big improvement on 2011, so working on that premise, I guess I should be [Read More]

Thumb Deal

My GP is very clever, has a lot of experience and a great sense of humour. After I showed her my oh-so-sore-and-swollen thumb and told her of  my symptoms and the underage ER doctor's verdict, she [Read More]

Christmas for a Crowd

I can hardly believe Christmas has come and gone... already! I kind of feel like I need an action replay so I can feel properly prepared. Oh well, I have 363 days to get ready for Christmas 2013! That [Read More]

The Countdown to Christmas

The countdown to Christmas has been pretty hectic. I can't believe it's  been ten days since my last blog post. The Christmas Countdown has been crazy this year! Well, I survived the last nine [Read More]