The Joys of Newcastle

We take off this weekend. We're back in one of our favourite cities, Newcastle. It always tickles us to visit the city in Australia with the same name as David's hometown in England, and weirdly, it's [Read More]

Results Emergency!

So the results are in. I want to be quietly confident that all is well, but at the same time, I want to be on guard just in case there are any curveballs coming my way. As it is, the Endo's office is [Read More]

How to Please a Patient

Belinda is still hanging out in hospital, the poor love.  The downside is that she's far, far away from her friends and family and beautiful baby Ruby, but on the upside I get to see a whole lot more [Read More]

True Bloods

I'm pleased to say it's been a while since I've entered a medical facility for my own diagnosis or treatment, and that's something I've really relished. As much as I love all my doctors to bits, I am [Read More]

Seasons Startings

Today is the 1st of December and it's  a day of new beginnings! First off, it's the first day of Summer! Things are really hotting up, literally, with the mercury tipping a sizzling thirty seven [Read More]

CST (Christmas Saving Time)

Well the silly season has so taken me by surprise this year. My preparations are sadly lacking, as is time, and as are my energy levels! Usually I send a whole collection of cards, purchase a [Read More]

Too Much Day in My Days

As  Loulou from Here I am Loulou says, sometimes there is just not enough day in the day! I know exactly what she means! I think that's been my thought for the day, every day, this week. My friend [Read More]

A Cooking Class with Festive Flavours

I am super excited because I finally get to go to my first ever Thermomix Cooking Class! And not any ordinary Thermomix Cooking Class either, this cooking class has  a festive flavour! I am such a [Read More]

Brain and Name

I'm always telling my peeps, you have to be in it to win it, and lately, I've been practising what I preach. For starters, I got the  lottery syndicate at work up and running, which if all goes [Read More]

Happy Birthday Blog!

I can hardly believe it, but it's blog's birthday! Happy Birthday Blog! 1 year old today... well, kind of. I'm ashamed to say I can't remember the exact date that my ramblings first made it out into [Read More]