We’re back, it’s busy!

We're homeward bound. It's a long drive  but we refuel our traveller's tummies in the pretty country town of Bowral en route. We also stop off at the garden centre and get a whole heap of new herbs [Read More]

We’ve Put the Fun in Fun-draising!

We've put the fun in fun-draising! Today, with a donation from Heather,  my lovely hairdresser at Blonde Avenue, we smashed my two thousand dollar target! This is totally awesome work from my [Read More]

Thyroids Annoyed!

It's a busy day and I manage to cram it all in. Running, baking, blogging and I even get hooked on my counselling books. It's all go. In the evening while I wind down I start playing with my [Read More]

My Achilles Heal

I'm up uber early. Lying dormant has never been my style so I decide to make the most of the morning before the sun really starts to shine. I want to make the most of the long weekend and really clock [Read More]

Dinner Express

Simon and Takashi are coming for dinner tonight. I usually spend weeks if not months planning a dinner for  these gorgeous guys, not just because I love them so much, but because I am always trying to [Read More]

Running is the cure!

I don't know what Kathy did to me on Thursday but I'm still walking like an un-oiled Tin Man! I also wake up with a headache! I must be doing gold medal grinding in my sleep, because I've woken up [Read More]

Jelly Legs

Ouch! Kathy works me like a Trojan in training today and I wobble home with jelly legs. Sometimes, I think if she was my friend, she wouldn't make me hurt this much, but then I remember, it's [Read More]

This time last year…

I can hardly believe a year ago today I was having a check up ultrasound on my thyroid. My ignorance really was bliss. I had no idea what was coming, but knowing now what was up ahead, that's not such [Read More]


Roll up! Roll up! Tonight we are off to the Entertainment Quarter to see the latest Cirque production to come down under, OVO! First we fill our bellies Bavarian style at the Bavarian Beer Cafe. I [Read More]

Bumper Tuesday

My endorphins are running wild after my morning pump class, but my mood gets even merrier at work when I find time to share the Bumper Oat Cookies. The morning after the night before, they are [Read More]