Mountain Climbers

I'm up and out early getting me my mountain groceries and a stash of supplies for our big bushwalk today. Breakfast is a feast from Jenny's kitchen which sets up nicely for the long walk ahead. [Read More]

More Mountain Magic

Sarah and I are escaping to the country today. I'm retracing the steps that I took with Beverley and Joan last month, and heading for the Blue Mountains! I am sticking to my tried and tested mountain [Read More]

Another Day, Another Visitor

Waking up in the wee hours is turning out to be a daily occurence. The novelty has definitely worn off! I'm not sure whether tonight this is due to the lovely white wine imbibed last night, the [Read More]

Food, Friends and Fitness

My sleep pattern is stuffed. I'm up in the wee hours... again! However, after getting cosy with my computer and a nice cup of tea, I'm back in the Land of Nod, and catch up on some quality zzzs. [Read More]

Pump up the Volume

Despite being tired as a worn out shoe, I'm up in the small hours with a cup of chamomile tea for company. Apart from the obvious and most unwelcome  interruption to my beauty sleep, this little [Read More]

Sweets and Tweets

Last night I dreamt that I overslept and missed the start of the half marathon, and by the time I made it to the start line, all the other runners were well on their way. I started the race - better [Read More]

Movie Motivation

I'm pleased I make it to pump this morning. I pump iron like it's going out of fashion and feel strong as an ox. I'm back to the weights I was lifting before I hurt my back, which seems like aeons [Read More]

The Need to Feed

I took the left overs of the lovely Donna Hay's Lemon Yoghurt Cake to the Pub2Pub - I thought it would make a good post-run-pick-me-up or a nice teatime treat for later. The cake was a big hit with [Read More]


I'm out of bed with a hop, a skip and a jump. Hooray! Today's the day I'm going to run my first Pub2Pub - all 13km of it! Who needs friends with benefits, when you have friends with wheels? Today [Read More]

All Appliance Saturday

Today, I'm going to enjoy a little of what I fancy and I don't waste any time! I'm up bright and early and stretch my legs with a 5km rock around the block before hitting the scales hard with a [Read More]