Burning the Candle

I am truly tired today. I am so, so tired. I can't really remember if I ever got this tired with my thryoid, but I know that I'm done and dusted without it! The cause of my fatigue is probably a [Read More]

Groundhog Dinner

It's a new day and a new dinner! There's more fun with friends, Anton and Jim are coming over for a feed tonight! Dinner dates are like buses... you wait ages for one, and then two come along at [Read More]

More Thermomix Magic

Once I get the dummy run out of the way, it's time to have a kitchen workout. Tonight, Yvonne is coming over to demonstrate some more Thermomix magic. I'm super excited. As this is going to be an [Read More]

Finding My Greatness

So yesterday August 12, was  Nike’s Find your Greatness campaign, the premise of which is that "it's not just the championship athlete or record breaker that aspires to push their limits. It is also [Read More]

The Empty Nest

It's a sad day today. Our visitors are leaving. I'm seriously sad but I hold it together for a fond farewell at the train station and as soon as the train pulls away, the waterworks are on! We take [Read More]

Big Buys and a Big Surprise

There's no better way to start Saturday than with a run! Back at the ranch, it's action stations. Me and Beverley give Joan a bit of a hair and nail makeover which makes me and Bev feel warm and fuzzy [Read More]

Almost Famous

Something amazing happens today. Nike She Runs has used my photo for their Fitness Friday campaign. Check it out here. I'm so proud to be part of it! That's what I call a personal best! I'm almost [Read More]

Wine Time!

Hooray! It's Friday! Or should I say Wine-Day?! Today, we're heading North to the Hunter Valley where we are going to taste some fine wine, smelly cheese and delicious chocolate! Bring it on! Max [Read More]

Silent but Deadly

I'm up with the birds to train with Kathy. We stick to strength exercises today which appear deceptively simple and seem relatively painless. These type of workouts are what I call "silent but [Read More]

Dizzy Quizzy

David's at football, Joan's meeting a mate which leaves me and Beverley to keep the flag flying. We decide to give the Trivia Quiz at the Cabana Bar a go and Tracey is brave enough to join us. The [Read More]