Hooray for ebay!

You'll never guess what! I sold the food mixer that I won on Ebay. Hooray! I'm a bit new to all the wheeling and dealing and blinded by the technology but David has taken on the role of  Official [Read More]

Happy Birthday, Queenie!

I just love long weekends! Even seriously soggy ones such as this! This 3 day weekend-fest always tickles me so! I love it that here in Australia, we get a day off to celebrate the Queen's birthday, [Read More]

Going, going, gone!

Last night, I had one of those spooky sleeps where you feel like you're awake, but really you're not, you're sleeping. Albeit restlessly! It seems like forever since I got up before 6 in the morning, [Read More]

Pyjama Day

The weather is miserable enough to merit a Pyjama Day. The concept of a Pyjama Day is oh-so-simple. You wake up in your pyjamas, and you stay in them in a most slovenly fashion, for as long as time [Read More]

That Warm and Fuzzy Feeling

Have you ever woken up with that sick, empty feeling in your stomach? And then you remember why. Like today's the day you have a dentist appointment or today's the day you have to take a test or [Read More]

The Results are In!

Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Every minute that passes seems like an eternity. It's almost 4pm and the doctor still hasn't phoned. Forget about Cancer, it's the suspense that's killing me! On the plus side, [Read More]

The Waiting Game

I'm first in, first out for my scan. It's all very civilised; big, snazzy white machine, classical music in the background and a cosy blanket to keep me warm. I'm as snug as a radioactive bug! [Read More]

Thursday Friend-Fest

So far this week I have transformed from a pin-pricked caterpillar into a social butterfly! I have done the hard yards with the needles, the radioactive capsule and served my time in the doctor's [Read More]

New Nikes and Nuclear

It's like four seasons an hour today. I wake up to sunshine but an hour later, when I go to the hospital, it's grey and blowing a gale. I swing by the Prof's office to drop off baked goods and give [Read More]