Sneaker Heaven
Today and yesterday: a tale of two seasons! Yesterday it was seriously summer, and today it's woefully winter. It's dark, it's gloomy and it is raining like it's going out of fashion. I am quite a [Read More]
Today and yesterday: a tale of two seasons! Yesterday it was seriously summer, and today it's woefully winter. It's dark, it's gloomy and it is raining like it's going out of fashion. I am quite a [Read More]
Hurrah! It's Friday! And what a fantastic friend-filled Friday it turns out to be! I wake up with legs like the Tin Man. My muscles can hardly move. I guess, I have Kathy to thank for that! Just as [Read More]
It's a bit of a struggle to get up - I haven't had a half 5 early morning call for a while! Still, there's no time to slack or sleep - it's training time! Kathy has me sweating in seconds and I drip [Read More]
I went to bed way too late to get up early, and had another night of sleeping as light as a feather. I drag my lazy bones out of bed and wait for Wayne the Caretaker. This morning he's bobbing over in [Read More]
I have one of those really weird and wacky night sleeps where you sleep like a baby but feel like you're awake the whole night. I start the day feeling like I should be just getting into bed, not out [Read More]
I have a nifty nine hours sleep and wake up feeling all warm and fuzzy and really rested. This is a great way to start the week... feeling recharged and ready for anything! Work is fun and the good [Read More]
I sleep a full eight hours and wake up feeling all the better for it. Still, there's no time for an extra-luxurious lie-in as we have a brunch date at Ryan and Kari's. We never need our arms twisted [Read More]
My body clock is just too tuned! I wake up way too early and despite my best efforts, I just can't go back to sleep! Bah! Never mind, no point crying over lost sleep, so I hop out of the bed, into the [Read More]
Well yesterday was as wet as an otter's pocket, today is dry as a bone, which is mighty lucky as Tracey and I have another early morning running date. It's black as night when I go out to get Trace, [Read More]
There's a monsoon this morning and the rain is my alarm clock naturel. It's raining cats, dogs and a whole pet zoo out there. I make a dash for the gym and in the couple of minutes it takes me to get [Read More]