Just Another Manic Monday

I get back in the swing of things and am up with the birds, or even maybe before them! And it's all for the love of Basic Training. It's Kathy's class - so how can I resist? I'm feeling the love, but [Read More]

Super Sun-Day

I sleep like a baby and don't wake up til 9.30! This must be my lie-in personal best. Still, there's no time to waste and I'm out of bed with a hop, skip and a jump and ready to run. I'm up for a [Read More]

Sun Run Fun

It's an early morning call! 5 AM! I feel like I've been awake all night anyways. I didn't sleep so well mainly because a) I was so excited about the Sun Run today and b) I was really upset after [Read More]

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

I can't get up for work, let alone Basic Training. I feel like I've gone back in time to the Zombie-Zone when I was sans thyroid and drug-free - totally and utterly cream crackered. It takes [Read More]

A “social visit”

My day gets off to a super start with an hours boxing with Kathy. Granted, my arms feel like they could drop off any minute, but apart from that, I feel tip top. Anyway, I remind myself, that pain is [Read More]

Another day, another doctor

My body hurts like hell after the long run home yesterday. Working on the premise, no pain, no gain, I must have gained an awful lot! It's a busy day at the office and I have to shoot off early to [Read More]

Back to the Real World

Damn you jet lag! You keep me awake half the night throwing my body clock thrown into a state of flux with the plus three hour time difference! I'm like a total zombie. Of course, I don't manage [Read More]

Holidays End

I think I spoke to soon about the quality zzzs as I was fully wide awake in the wee hours. My brain was busy as ever and despite my best efforts would just not shut off. Grrr! Still, it's no drama as [Read More]

The High Life

Maybe it's the heat, maybe it's the comfy bed or maybe it's the Perth effect; whatever the reason, I have another five star sleep and a lovely long lie in. I must try not to get used to this! It's [Read More]

Big Bash Saturday

It's another stunningly sunny morning in Western Australia and we have a breakfast date with our friends Kim and Terry. It's chauffeur service too, they pick us up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 9am [Read More]