Cookie Cutter Kingdom

I'm up at the crack of dawn...again! It's hard to sleep with all the rampant rain, forget cats and dogs, it's raining wombats and wallabies today. I make good use of time playing with the blog and [Read More]

Saturday Matter-Day

My body clock still doesn't know it's the weekend! Shocking! I'm up at 7 and decide to get cracking on my list of things to do. It's way too long! First things first, I tackle my recipe folder. I've [Read More]

Friday the 13th

It's Friday 13th! It's not unlucky, it's just all go! The fun starts with Basic Training at 6.15 which is totally awesome and leaves me feeling fizzy all day long! Early morning training really rocks. [Read More]

A Walk on the Wild Side

I plan to wake up with the birds and head out for a road run but it just ain't happening. At least I manage to get up early enough to take my Thryoxin meds. I even have time to go back to bed, sleep [Read More]

Cook Books Anonymous

My name's Sam and I'm addicted to cook books. I nip out for a breath of fresh air and to see the sunshine at lunchtime and  take a detour via the shopping centre. Quite by chance, I pass a newsagents [Read More]

The Three Month Marker

I've been to gym every day this year (I know it's only 10 days in, but it sounds good hey?!) and I want to keep the momentum going. For that reason, I'm ready and raring to go at Kristy's 6.15 morning [Read More]

The Fantastic Four

It's such an effort to wake up this morning. How can it be Monday already? My brain works at two speeds today, slow and stop. Lucky for me, I have very patient students. I get an energy rush after [Read More]

Barbecue Brilliance

It's the Big Sleep. I manage to sleep through Basic Training. So... I may not be killing calories but my batteries are super charged! There's no better way to spend a lazy Sunday morning than in the [Read More]


It's such a beautiful morning. I spend so long faffing around in the kitchen that I almost miss my pump class and then, by the time I arrive, the studio is stoved off, there isn't room to swing a cat, [Read More]


It's a dreary old day but I manage to get up at the crack of dawn and make it to Basic Training on time. I feel as stiff as a board after last night's pump party but I plod my way round the circuits [Read More]