Beer and Cheer

It’s business as usual. Just grocery shopping, washing, ironing; the regular weekend duties of a domestic goddess! I think I’ve found an organic bread with uniodised salt in the local supermarket . I [Read More]

Farewell Friday

If I things had been different, this would have been the day I would have been leaving London to return to sunny Sydney but as it is, it’s my last day at work for a while. Either way I guess, I’m [Read More]

The Bread Line

I am out of iodine free bread so make a pilgrimage to the local organic bakery after work. The weather is wild – wet and rainy but nothing is going to come between me and my favourite carb! There is [Read More]

Say It With Flowers

I got such a lovely surprise when I got to work! On my desk, there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my friend ,Vincent.  He was one of the first students I taught when I came to UEC and we’ve [Read More]

Vocal Adrenalin

It’s time for my Vocal Chords to get the once over. The ENT doctor is a big, jolly Italian man and he remembers me from last time.  He seems genuinely surprised to see me again so soon and gives me [Read More]

Feeling Fruity

I ‘m up early and am keen to make the most of the energy I have left in the tank. I head over to see my sister-in-law Kari and my niece and nephew. Kari’s mum, Linda, also bobs over which is an added [Read More]

Fatigued Friday

I have a great day at work. I rush home to recharge my batteries and have a power nap but they’re doing some kind of digging in the car park with a pneumatic drill. Lying in bed trying to rest with [Read More]

A Weighty Issue

I’ve decided today is Weigh Day. As part of my maintenance on Weight Watchers I have to check in and weigh in at a meeting once a month. I can be within 2 kgs of my goal weight, not more and not less. [Read More]

The Iodine Free Diet

Today’s the day! The iodine free diet starts here. I can’t  eat seafood, seaweed, dairy or commercial bread products, salt or use sunscreen! I can eat meat, fruit and vegetables (with the exception of [Read More]

The Last Supper

I’m feeling pretty energised after my nana nap so decided to do a bit of baking. Lately I’ve made a lot of cakes and slices so I’m going to buck the trend and bake some biscuits instead. I’m going to [Read More]