The 13th Anniversary Edition

13 might be unlucky for some but hopefully not for us because today we're celebrating our 13th anniversary... Apart. I'm in the UK, David is down under and as this is the first (and hopefully the [Read More]

Taking Stock January 2020

It seems like only yesterday we were welcoming the new year/decade and here we are (almost) at the end of the month already. Eeep! January was a very mixed bag and I'm not sorry to say goodbye to [Read More]

Taking Stock – December 2019

I've taken stock at the end of every month this year and as I've started, so I'll finish! But before I jump head first into a new month, a new year and a new decade, here's a sneaky peek [Read More]

2019 – A Year in Review Part 2

Last week I looked back on the first half of 2019 with a year in review and  here I am back with part 2. As I've started, so I'll finish! Spoiler alert - puppy spam and a whole lot of [Read More]

2019 – A Year in Review Part 1

I have the world's worst memory. I can barely remember what I did yesterday, never mind about earlier in the year. That's why blogging is such a bonus for me because when I can't remember when or [Read More]